Chapter 20

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I rose early to make Yuri Christmas breakfast though it was more of brunch considering we had gone to be after sunrise, but when I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes I realised he was already gone.


Trying to contain my panic I tossed the covers aside not caring that I wore only a white robe and shoved my feet into my slippers making my way downstairs.

I found Yuri in the kitchen humming to himself as he cooked the breakfast/ brunch of champions.

I smiled to myself watching him flit about the kitchen in his apron, briefs and a t-shirt as he hummed a Christmas tune. His hips swayed side to side as he danced to music only he could hear.
He stopped and dropped an egg as he spun and spotted me watching him.

"Oh Victor, you scared me half to death." He laughed squatting low to clean up the egg. I rushed over taking the towel and did it for him.

"I got it. Watcha cooking? It smells wonderful." I smiled tossing the egg into the garbage.

"I wanted to get an early start on our dinner tonight and put the turkey in already. Breakfast will be simple just eggs and bacon and some toast." Yuri tapped my nose.

I giggled wrapping my arms around him from behind. I kissed the back of his exposed neck as he tossed the eggs around the frying pan.

I was so glad things settled down since yesterday. I spent half of the night discussing it with Yuri. He had forgiven me, but I knew it still bothered him deep down.

I can't say I blame him. I'm just going to do what I can to make him happy and never doubt again.

"Yurio won't be home for a while. Why don't we put the food on hold?" I purred into his ear. My hands wandered beneath his apron. I felt his body warm considerably in my arms.

I glanced down to see his cheeks bright red.

"W-well I-" Yuri stammered.

He was so adorable when he was flustered.

"Is Larimar afraid?" I raised my brows stepping back to feign shock.

Yuri pursed his lips at that.

"No, I just haven't completely forgiven you yet." He rolled his eyes.

I pouted.

He sighed stepping closer. He was so close I hadn't realized I was cornered until I felt my back press against the edge of the island. My hands braced at the edge of the counter.

Yuri stood on his toes so we were eye level.

"Maybe someone needs to be punished and then all will be forgiven." He grinned deviously. I felt my pulse quicken as I saw the hunger and heat in his eyes.

He wants to claim me as his and mark his territory.

Hehe, so do I.

Without further delay I dipped my head and kissed him on the lips.

"I'm all yours." I murmured against his lips.


I growled at the taste of Victor on my lips. He knew what I was after and he was willing to give it to me. I leaned closer nibbling his exposed neck. I pinned him against the counter with my hips as my hands wandered beneath his robe.

He hummed as my hands trailed down the smooth contours of his chest and abs.

I teased the dip in his hips. My fingers trailed along the crease of his thigh. Victor shivered and I smirked against his neck. I moved my hands back up to his hips.

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