Chapter 17

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Speaking of filler chapters. ehehe. Background story, yay! 😅. Dont hate me.


I stared out of my window watching white specs of snow fall from the gray sky above. I wrinkled my nose in distaste.
Even back home in Russia I hated the snow. I hated the cold.

It wasn't always like that. I had enjoyed ice skating in my spare time with-


My one true love.

My family was wealthier than most. We had Blue Blood running in our veins. I grew up never needing for anything. Yet still something was missing. Until I met Yakov, the cool headed politician and hot headed ice skater.

We had become the ultimate power couple. Everyone knew our name. We were the highest in society.

The higher the pillar the harder the fall. I was driven by this need to be known and respected and even feared by my peers. I had to keep up with Yakov's political influences after all.

It tore us apart. I grew to resent him and he grew to hate what I had become.

It was my own undoing.

Victor suffered the most because of it. I took my anger and frustrations out on him. When he decided to follow his father, I began to resent him too.

Only my star pupil remained the same. Yurio. He was all I had left to the world.

When that horrible day came, I knew Victor would destroy everything I worked hard to build, so I did as he asked and let Yurio go.

They can have their fun for now, but when the time comes my prodigy will come back to me and my name will again have meaning. I didn't lose everything for nothing.

I grinned as I watched Mila leaving the premise. I turned on my heel and headed for the door.


Exhausted from being sick all night I tugged a sweater over my head after taking a spongebath.

I padded back to the room barefoot and smiled at the view before me.

Victor was lying on his back one arm spread wide across the bed. The other draped gracefully over his eyes. The sheets were wrapped around his waist exposing his beautifully carved body. Every dip and curve was chiseled perfection.

I bit my lip as I spotted his morning greeting. Feeling a little bold I carefully crawled up the bed and closed my mouth over the sheets.

Victor woke with a gasp. I smirked drawing back to see him watching me from beneath his arm. His blue eyes curious whereas my brown ones were filled with mischief.

"Don't let me stop you." He chuckled.

I tugged the sheets down and closed my mouth over him this time tasting his manhood. I licked him from base to tip and swirled my tongue around his head.

Victor moaned softly slipping his fingers through my hair. He tugged on the ends when I very gently bit down on the shaft to add pressure.

"Yuri!" He gasped my name urging me to please him more.

I bobbed my head up and down. My fingers were at work cupping his sac and tugging on the base of his cock below my lips.

I hummed sending vibrations through him causing him to shiver. I quickened my pace and sat up on my knees eager for the fireworks display.

Victor was a moaning mess. He clutched the sheets and arched his back as his gasps of pleasure came to a halt. I felt his warm liquids spread across my tongue. I lapped up every last drop greedily drinking the sweet and salty milk until he collapsed on the bed. I drew back with a laugh as he blew a long rapsberry.

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