Chapter 12

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It had been almost two months since I had last seen Victor. We texted at first mostly just hello's and asking about each other's day. It was always the same. Short, formal, and distanced. We slowly stopped as he grew busy with work and I was working double shifts so I could save up some money, and I had finals to study for keeping me occupied.

It was hard. Being away from him.

Especially now when I had been sick. Pichit was concerned and suggested I go to the hospital, but I declined.

It was just the stomach flu. It comes around this time of year annually. As if on cue I felt my stomach lurch and bolted for the bathroom.

Ugh,  it will pass.

Wiping my mouth on the back of my hand I leaned back against the wall and gulped a lung full of air.

"Yuri it's been weeks. If you don't go to the doctor I am gonna hog tie you and take you there myself." Pichit threatened from the other side of the door.

He's right it has been weeks. I should probably get checked out.

But I am feeling better.

"Uuuugh fine, but can we get fries and a shake on the way? I'm starving." I pleaded opening the door.

Pichit gave me a droll look and rolled his eyes at me.

"If your sick you should eat soup and drink tea." He chided turning away.

"I thought I was the mom in this apartment." I placed my hands on my hips. I stuck my tongue out at the back of his head. As we headed to the car, I spotted Yurio leaving the dance studio. Otabek was waiting for him on his bike across the lot.

Guilt welled up inside of me. I avoided Yurio for the longest time afraid of what he might do or say. He yelled at me in the middle of class of course which was fine, but it was the hurt behind his sharp green eyes that made me waver.

I must have really hurt Victor.

Still I had made a decision and I should stick with it. Victor could have anyone he wanted. He didn't need me in his life.

Especially screwing it up.

"Pichit, pull over." I asked so suddenly he slammed on the brakes. He patted my back as I threw up the remaining contents of my stomach.

"Maybe it's something worse than the flu?" Pichit suggested as I chewed mint flavored gum on the way to the hospital.

"What could be worse than the flu?" I moaned rubbing my stomach.

I'll take death at this point please.

I've been miserable for weeks it doesn't help that I'm emotionally distraught from my break up with Victor.

We arrived at the hospital and I placed a baseball cap over my head and tucked my chin farther into the popped collar of my coat.

It had been weeks, but reporters were still interested in Victor's college stripper. I had to wear disguises when I went out so I wouldn't be harassed by photographers.

We had made it into the office without anyone recognizing me. When they called my name and did their routine check up I noticed the nurse make a strange face.

"Excuse me a moment." She smiled and left me alone with my thoughts. I absentmindedly rubbed my stomach looking about the quaint mint colored room.

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