Chapter 6

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As Yuri and the other dancers exited the stage I couldn't help but down my drink.

Seeing Yuri in those fishnets and the way his body moved. He was amazing and my twitching cock agreed.

I spotted him as the fifth one in the tango to have his turn telling his story about his brother and his husband at Ciciro.

I had seen the movie and thought he portrayed the actress well and I loved the twist he put on her story.

All of the dancers did an incredible job.

It was magnificently done. I spotted him near the entrance to the back and quickly made my way to him.

"Larimar! That was amazing." I threw my arms around him. He laughed a little self conscious, but didn't push me away.

"Thank you." He batted his lashes. I could see the adrenaline coming down as his body hunched over.

He's still worried about that man, or maybe I scared him worse than I had thought.

"Excuse me." I excused myself and headed toward the bar where the owner was currently standing.
"Excuse me, Mickey?" I tapped his shoulder.

"Yes?" He turned and looked me up and down.

I don't have time for this

"I am Victor Nikiforov. Yur-Larimar is not feeling well. He is quite shaken up from a rude customer. Your security failed to watch over him and I intervened. Therefore I would like to take him home so he can calm himself and get some rest. He pushed himself through that last number, but I can see he is still not well." I gestured to Yuri leaning against the back wall scanning the crowd anxiously.

"Sara mentioned it to me when our security kicked a man out. He was drunk and went on about him, and the silver haired guy which I'm assuming is you. Thank you for protecting him."

"I just want him safe while he works." I shrugged. Though I wanted to tell him he should tighten his security here.

Then again if I suggested that he may not let Yuri leave with me.

"I will let Larimar know he can have the rest of the night off and tomorrow too to recooperate. Thank you again Mr. Nikiforov." Mickey shook my hand and left then. I took a deep breath and decided to wait for Yuri near the dressing rooms.


I had changed back into Victor's clothes and breathed in the cologne still clinging to the fabric.

I felt a little calmer as I put my glasses back on.

It was nice of Mickey to give me the night off tomorrow. Did I really look that bad?

Pursing my lips in thought I didn't see where I was going until I bumped into a shoulder.

I looked up to see Victor smiling down at me. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

Why does my heart beat faster and slower at the same time whenever I see, touch, or think about him?

"We should stop meeting this way." He chuckled brushing my hair back.

It was a habit he picked up that I really didn't mind.

"Probably. I'm actually heading out now, so-" I paused as Victor held his hand up.

"I know. Need a ride?" He smirked. I blushed and nodded allowing him to take my hand.

I spotted Pichit as we left. His face said it all. I had ALOT of explaining to do later.

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