Deadpool Moves In

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Deadpool twirled the no cash value coin around his fingers. It was dented from the bullet that saved Russel and Cables little girl. He was waiting to hear the word from Colossus. Who was in the room next door trying to talk the other X-Men into letting Deadpool live here. In a building, I guess you could call it a home, for mutants.
A few shouts later and Colossus came out the door, closing it quietly behind him, trying to not be a bother to anyone else that could be strolling by. Deadpool watched him as his bulky figure pushed the door back into place gently, it gave him goosebumps, "How could such a large masculine man act so... cute." Deadpool thought to himself. Colossus came up to him and finalized the results.
"So there are a few conditions but-"
" Yes! That means I can stay! Woo! Alright!" Deadpool cutt him off and started a victory dance. Negasonic Teenage Warhead came up behind them.
"So I get why idiot over here is acting stupid but," she looked over to Colossus, " Why are you just standing there watching?" She questioned which made Deadpool pause his killer moves and look over to Colossus as well. As Colossus began trying to defend himself Yukio came downstairs, "Hey Wade!" She greeted cheerfully as she waved to him.
He waved back, "Hi Yukio! You know NTW I'm glad you found such a pretty and nice girl to date, it's kinda like me and chromedome over here." Deadpool ran over and jumped onto Colossus, who caught him cause he was afraid he might hurt himself. Not like it mattered though, I mean regeneration. Deadpool gave him a kiss on the cheek. He got this weird feeling that he never got before, 'Oh shit do I have a boner. From what though?' Deadpool thought. Colossus set him down, "Not like us, but better. He's right though you guys are lucky." He said in his big Russian accent.
"Oh my god, I just wanted to go get something to eat. Never mind leave us alone come on Yukio." She took her hand and started walking away. As she pulled Yukio with her Yukio called back, "Bye Wade!" As she waved with her other free hand.
"Bye Yukio!" Wade waved back with both hands. Then sighed,"such a nice girl. Ya know metal balls, I bet Yukio is the kinky one, and NTW just goes along with it. Who do you think would be the top in their case, or do you think they both just kinda play around?" Wade said as he began heading upstairs to 'Colossus's room.
"Please stop there Wade it's not our business. You shouldn't say or think that stuff for this matter. She's like a daughter to me."
"Awww! Would dat' make me da' Mommy?" Wade said as he tried to act all cute." Oh yeah, you said something about some conditioner or something." They continued upstairs and into Colossus's bedroom.
"Conditions for staying. One, you are not allowed to kill anyone, unless you absolutely have too. And that one I know is going to be broken, so just go a week at least. At least for now until I can figure something else out. Two, you'll be bunking with me. That way I can have a close eye on you at all times." Colossus walked over to the cupboard and began grabbing stuff from the top shelf as Wade sat on his bed admiring his nicely toned ass. "Wow what an ass. I mean did you sit in sugar cause your ass looks sweet!"
"Excuse me," Colossus turned around,, " Are you even listening Wade? I said third, you have to participate in classes. Otherwise you can't stay. Did you get that?" He asked.
"Sorry it's just Since I grabbed your buns of steel the other day I can't stop thinking about them." Colossus turned around and it almost looked like he was blushing but Wade couldnt tell because of the chrome shine on his face.
"Well anyways, I'm going to go take a shower and yeah, so I'll see you later Wade." Colossus rushed out of the room hastily.Almost like he was embarrassed. I mean what else would someone do when Deadpool says he can't stop thinking of how great it felt to grope your ass? Obviously go get rid of their boner in a private shower, or at least that's what we hope...

Authors note: mwahahahaha guys I like how the first chapter turned out but I can't decide if I want them to get together fast or drag it out a little bit. I mean fluff, like a lot a lot of fluff, or jump into the deep end of smut and fast lovely sex fast. You know... anyways yeah so.. byeee;P

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