The Morning After Part 2

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Colossus' Point of View:

Mother Russia! I have to find Wade. That better not have just been a... wet...dream. Colossus moved fast towards his closet cupboards looking for a pair of pants to throw on. He found a pair of black ones threw them on along with a workout shirt and headed outside. Okay, Colossus thought . Where would Wade be? If I was Wade where would I go? Hmm. Colossus thought to himself as he walked down the corridor and stopped right in front of Ellie's door. 'Knock Knock' Colossus lightly tapped on the door waiting for someone to answer. He stood there for a good five minutes or so until he realized that class already started and the students would be located inside of their classrooms. Colossus thought about it and hoped Wade went to his classes too, even if he did want to know if what happened last night was real, Colossus tried his best not to think about it: but let's be honest there was no way in hell that was going to happen. Colossus paced back and forth in the halls until around 11 or so because he had a class to teach in the quad today.
  Once Colossus got there he greeted his students with a respectful tone and continued the lesson of self defense and physical training in a regular manner. However all he was really thinking about was Wade. Damn Wade if he thinks I'm not going to find him during lunch because i will be searching for that tight ass. Colossus thought to himself and looked back up at his students who were all staring at him in awe. "Is there something on my face?" he questioned. One of the younger kids responded, "Whats a tight ass?" Colossus froze in place.
    "Nothing Timmy. Its uh- lets continue on with the less-" another kid then belted out, "It means yo mama is Stacys mom!"
"Nathan that doesnt even make sense just leave it. It doesnt even matter, none of you heard any of that okay. Promise me none of you guys will say a word about this and I'll let you guys leave early for lunch, okay?"
All of the students started agreeing right away, just wanting to be the first to lunch. Colossus excused them and ran to the class Wade should have been in for his first day.
Colossus sat outside the door for five minutes or so waiting for the bell to ring and when it did he jumped up and stormed the classroom looking for Wade.
Sorry for the cliff hanger just needed to post something hope u guys enjoy i will try to post again before the week is over

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