He's Like a Big Teddy Bear

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Deadpool watched as Colossus ran back to the room.

Should Wade go comfort Colossus from that unspeakably embarrassing moment.


Or should he still follow after Storm and find out exactly how far they did go.
"I think I'll choose the second one." And Wade carried on towards Storms room. He knocked a certain rhyme and waited for someone to answer the door. Although it took a little while someone did answer it.
And luckily it was Storm.
"Oh hey Wade is there something you need" she couldn't even look at him and her blush was kind of apparent.
"Well I figured since you and Colossus, you know, were together you could tell me a little bit about him." Wade replied with a wink.
She motioned him to come inside so he followed. Her room was painted in solid grey colors with a few pictures of different natural disasters hanging on the walls. "Nobody really brings it up anymore so I would prefer you didnt tell the other, students." She put emphasis on students, to let Wade know he wasn't really an adult in her eyes. But he didnt care he was the one that was going to take Colossus's virginity in the end anyway.
  "Theres not much to tell honestly" she walked over to her desk and picked up a cup of tea, " He was just super sweet and innocent." She sipped from her cup then motioned Wade to take a seat with her at her small table. "He was just a really big teddy bear ya' know." Wade stared back at her, Really that's all. Wade thought.
  "So your telling me you guys never did anything, like at all?" Wade was a little surprised, "like what about touching or blowjobs or anything?"
   "We didnt do anything. The farthest thing we got to was open mouth kissing, barely even making out, although at first I thought maybe he was the one. But he didnt really seem to ever get closer so, I left him. We just didnt seem to click and get any closer, ya' know."
Wade couldn't help but smile a little, I mean all he could think about was how close Colossus and him had gotten over time.
  "Thanks" was all Wade said before leaving Storm's  company and running back to Colossus's room.
Wade entered without knocking since technically it was his room too, but to his surprise Colossus wasn't inside. Wade looked up and down and all around but couldn't find him, so he thought of what Colossus would do if things were out of his control.
  Probably just sit and sulk somewhere thinking, is what Wade could come up with.
  So instead Wade sat down and contemplated what to do. I mean theres a first time for everything. "I've got it!" Wade jumped up like the poster boy for 'great' ideas.
  Wade then rushed outside to the closest Walmart he could find...

So sorry about the really long update and the cliffhanger. I've been super packed with school and varsity basketball, I mean who would have thought u would literally collapse after a game from exhaustion. But anyways no excuses. So I'll try and get the next chapter sooner rather than later.. PS thanks to those of u who r patient, I kind of stuck at sticking to plans sorry,, ;p

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