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As Wade and Colossus were kissing next to the janitors closet, Colossus pushed Wade up against the wall creating a small thump, but that didnt stop him from continuing the kiss.
What felt like forever, although it was probably only a few moments, the janitor closet door flung open and to everyones surprise... well everyone was surprised. Wade and Colossus jumped off each other and Quicksilver and Timmy both stood in shock.
Timmy looked up at Colossus, "Umm, sorry if we interrupted you. I mean, um, we heard a sound, um, we weren't doing anything. Um, no, I mean I know what you mean about the tight ass thing, wait no, I mean, ummm.Wait, I mean we weren't, um studying. I mean we were studying...haha. Um yeah we were studying." Timmy said as he couldnt stop blushing and rubbing the back of his head.
"Quicksilver you should probably take Timmy back to the food hall now, before I have to report this in." Colossus gave him a look that he knew all to well.
Quicksilver and Timmy were both embarrassed about what just happened as they walked off.
  Wade started to laugh. Colossus looked over at him. "Whats so funny" Colossus asked as he put his hand back on Wades left ass cheek.
"I was just wondering if they knew we saw them. But anways I guess in the end it was smart coming here, because now we have a dark room open for just the two of us." He opened the door and pulled Colossus in, closing the door behind him. Wade pushed Colossuss back up against the far wall. Pinnimg his arms on either side of Colossus and connecting their lips like there was no tomorrow. Colossus gripped Wades ass moving with the kiss. He started rolling his hips into Wades body.
     Tempting Wade.
Wade moved his hands tracing down Colossuss body to the zipper of his pants. He slowly unzipped Colossus, finding himself moving with the motion of Colossus body. At this point Colossus was grinding himself against Wade.
   The tension between their lower halves could start a fire.
    Or at least would have, if Wade didnt do something fast.
Too late.
   Colossus flipped their positions over only breaking the kiss to say a few words, "I can't wait any longer" and as quick as he left Wades lips he was back, but this time he was moving his fingers along Wades body tracing every fiber of this mans being. Colossus just ripped Wades pants apart to get to his dick. He bent down and took Wade into his mouth. Once Wade had gotten up enough to Colossus's standards Colossus finally settled with standing back up and lifting Wade so he was straddling Colossus with his back on the wall. The only thing keeping him from falling on his ass, other than the wall, was Colossus's big man hands holding his ass cheeks apart as he rimmed his asshole with his big buffed up metal cock. Colossus sucked on Wades nipple for a minute and then adjusted himself as he moved up Wades neck, his dick moved up into Wades ass. Once Colossus reached Wades mouth he was balls deep in a gorgous fucking mess, Wade. Moans were excaping Wades mouth every once in awhile but he wasnt the only one. Every time Colossus moved in and out was another oppurtunity to hit Wades g spot and feel good at the same time, in result letting a few of his own moans slip.  Wade breathed in and out with every movement Colossus made, Wade twitched. "Please tell me we can do this again. Im serious about, mmmn, you. Peter go out with me." Wade looked into Colossus's eyes almost pleading him to continue. Colossus couldn't hold much longer and that sentence sped his cum up a lot faster than he wouldve imagined because right then he let it go. "Aawwh," Colossus kept cumming, and the eruption inside of Wade caused Wade to feel a little extra too. Causing Wade to then cum facing Colossus.
Colossus watched Wade throw his head back and felt him twitch uncontrollably as he came all over his chest and landing some on Colossus's chin. Both in complete states of bliss. Both cummin. Both holding onto the other. Both ready to commit.
Colossus looked back at Wade after he had finished, "Of course I'll be your boyfriend" Colossus said as he used his right thumb to rub off the jizz on his chin and then lick it off his finger.

Alright guys first comment first chapter. Hope you guys like it u can thank imhavinganosebleed2 for inspiring me to write this master piece (jk i know its shit) but like serioisly at least you guys got sumthin......bye.........😖

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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