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Colossus stormed the classroom Wade should have been in for class. And as he hoped, he looked towards the back of the room and there was Wade taking a nap with his head on the desk and drool everywhere. "Hey sleepy head."  Colossus came up next to Wade and put his hand on his head to shake him a bit. Wade nuxzled into Colossuss palm before opening his eyes.
  "Oh hey gorgeous"  Wade looked up at Colossus and took his hand and placed a kiss on it before he stood up.
   "Wait so last night did happen right?"  Colossus leaned over and whispered into Wades ear.
Wade responded, "Whatever do you mean"  and winked. Deadpool had no idea that Colossus wasnt completely sure if last night really happened or his very creative mind had made it all up.
"Seriously Wade. Im asking you if we, ya know, did the," Colossus nodded his head back and forth trying to not have to say the words but Wade played dumb. "Just follow me." Colossus grabbed Wade by the hand and dragged him out into the hallway, "lets talk somewhere more private." So Wade followed Colossus cracking dumb jokes along the way. Finally they came across a closet of some sort and Colossus nudged Wade to open it slowly because Colossuses hands were to big to open the door. Wade, snickered a little bit but did what was asked because, 'hey a dark closet with the guy you fucked last night actually sounds like a good idea.' Was Wades reasoning behind his submissive manner but when he opened the door....

Quicksilver was thrusting mock speed fast into Timmy's ass. Before they noticed that Wade and Colossus were even there Quicksilver and Timmy both let out a moan as Quicksilver made his last thrust and claimed,"Timmy you by far have the tightest ass out of every person Ive been with in this school, male and female." And there you have it folks Timmys ass was truly the tightest ass.
Wade looked over at Colossus and whispered as he began to quietly shut the door before the other two noticed them,"Please tell me we can do that later tonight again!" Wade leaned up and kissed Colossus on the lips. After he went back down Colossus looked down at him and made an effort to lean down and start making out with him again. This time with much more tongue.

Well i dont know about you but im feelin 22. Jk anyways thanks to a certain someone for a great comment you lovely fans get another chapter real fast your welcome anyways...........bye.

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