A Box of Memories

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Colossus sat on the bed for a moment not really sure whether to chase after Storm and explain or continue where he left off, hell or just sit there thinking. But Wade interrupted by climbing over to Colossus and hugging his broad silver back, "It's going to be fine I doubt she even knew it was me, plus now she knows your pitching for the other team, and I don't have to worry." There was a pause, "I mean it's not like I was worried... or jealous, or anything." Wade moved to his side.
"It's just I don't like people judging when they don't know the whole story. I mean take you for example, everyone thinks your bad. But I see more than that I see bad-ass and fighting for what's right even if it's the wrong way to do it. You just have a very big justice meter. If that makes sense. I just, I don't know it scares me to think my private life isn't so-private. You know?" Colosus looked over to Wade. They were both just staring back into each others eyes when Colossus started leaning in and right as they started touching lips. Colossus pulled back.
"We shouldn't. What if we get caught again. Let's just go somewhere where people can't just barge in." Colossus stood up and offered a hand to Wade, who gratefully took it and got off the bed.
"Hey it looks like she dropped something let's see what it is." Wade picked up a large box, "I wonder what's inside?" He stated as he went back to the bed and motioned for Colossus to sit down next to him. Once they were both cozied up next to one another Wade opened it up. "Oh it's a book." He claimed rather unphased. "Oh it's a picture book!" Now he was interested he opened it up to see a group of young Marvel Hero's. "Woah is that you?!" Wade pointed to a younger looking version of Colossus standing off to the side next to Storm.
"Yeah, this picture is from the first week we were in class together" Colossus seemed a little amazed it was still in perfect condition. "I didn't know she kept any pictures of the class. " he looked over to Wade with a sort of smile coning across his face.

They continued looking through the pictures. Wade would point to one he wanted to know more about and Colossus would tell him the background of when and why they took the photo and who everyone was in it, incase Wade wasn't sure.
"Hey what's this one from?" Questioned wade as he handed a picture to colossus from the bottom of the box. Colossus took a look at it and took it from Wades hands.

It was one of those picture booth strips. With his arm around Storms waist and her lips on his cheek. Obviously there was something Colossus never mentioned. "That was, this is..."
"Please continue," Wade demanded.
"Well Storm was my first girlfriend believe it or not. She was the first girl I kissed too. This is from our first date , I only lived here for a few months when we started going out."
"Um ex-squeeze me honey! You never mentioned Storm was an ex!" Wade was shocked. "Does that mean I was your first man-crush?" Wade questioned Colossus seriously. Colossus nodded his head.
"Now I have to go talk to her Wade stood up and stretched like he was going to run a marathon, Colossus looked at him. Still highly confused why he wasn't getting his ear chewed off. " Wade no. Don't go after her, why do you even want to go see her?"

" Easy. She dated you so she knows what your like." He said matter of family. He started walking toward the door.
"Sorry, I don't follow" Colossus being the innocent soiled man he was did not understand what Wade was thinking.
"She. Knows. What. You. Are. Like. In. Bed." Wade turned the door nob and started heading out. It took Colossus a second to process but when he did he ran outside the room and shouted back to Wade, "We never did, I'm still a virgin!" Realizing what he said he looked around to make sure they were the only two out in the hallway...
But to his dismay it's still passing period and at least a hundred students were stopped in their tracks staring at Colossus. "I mean," Colossus cleared his throat, "I mean, don't have sex kids." Then he walked maturely back into his room. And closed the door.

Authors Note-
Sorry it's been awhile guys but here's something for you guys to at least read Since I've made you wait so long.
Didn't anybody else feel like Colossus got the short stick in this pinch. I mean who would've known Colossus and girls, weird. At least we know he's never been popped. ;P😘😜

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