Colossus POV

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~Colossus POV~

I can't believe what I just saw. He was just open, and- and... big. I need to go to the bathroom and get rid of this boner. Oh my gosh, do I like Wade?! No way that's not possible. But wait why did he think it would be a good idea to relieve himself on my bed, well our bed? "Wait no it's my bed. Ish... what if he likes me too? No this is nonsense, I sound like a little teenage girl."

" Excuse me but not all teenagers sound like that dipshit." I turned around to find Ellie there.
" I'm sorry I didn't mean that and language please."

"Yeah whatever, I kind of enjoy seeing you so stressed out. Anyways me and Yukio are going out so have fun". Ellie began to walk away but then turned back to me, "by the way is it just me or do you look harder or something." Then she turned away and walked down stairs. Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing.

I forgot my clothes in my room. I don't want any of the other X-Men to see me like this, the only place I can go is back to the bathroom. Please be open.

Okay so far no one has seen my thank goodness. I'm down the hall from the bathroom so all I need to do now is run down, get inside and lock the door. Okay iron legs you got this and, go.
I ran down the hall as fast as possible and got to the door. Now all I have to do is get in. I tried to turn the handle but it wouldn't budge, dang it someone's using this one and the only other one is downstairs and across from the conference room. I turned to look for anyone else down the hall. I heard people coming from the east entrance of the hall. "No my reputation will be ruined if they see me like this" I turned the opposite way to avoid them and began walking but my towel got hooked on the door, and came off. "Oh my God!" I turned back but it was too late and they were starting into the hall so I just left it and ran. This could not get any worse. Where am I suppose to go?! I could go to Ellie's room but, no that would be weird. Maybe Beast could, no. Where am I running!!! The only place left is my room, cause class is downstairs and I am not doing that. I stopped for a moment maybe Quicksilver, actually Storm would probably help me out. Right as I came to that solution, the door next to me opened and Quicksilver came out. I covered my junk. He looked at me and laughed,"Looks like your having a rough day." He whipped out his cellphone and began recording.
" Aren't you supposed to be in class right now, and stop that nobody needs to see this." I gestured towards me and then the phone.
"Nah I'm sick today, and everyone wants to see this, I mean the big soft teddy bear streaking down the halls during class time, it'll go viral." He laughed a bit the came out into the hall closer.
"Never mind, do you have any clothes I can borrow?" I asked politely although I felt like my head was about to blow.
"Nothing that would fit you but," he looked at his watch. "If you don't want to be seen by a bunch of students right now I recommend running because in three, two," he counted down and the bell rang. Class just got out. I booked it down the halls back to my room. Oh well if Wade sees me like this it's better than every student in this school seeing me. Plus with all this other stuff happening my boners gone down thank god.Quicksilver was still running next to me but once I got to my door he disappeared. I entered the room still covering myself. I closed the door behind me and checked for Deadpool but I didn't see him. I uncovered myself and walked to the closet. I opened it up, "Holy!!!" I punched Deadpool in the face.
"Ow! Ow-ow-owww!!" He whined,
"Why were you in the closet" I pulled him out and threw him on the bed while I grabbed myself a pair of pants. Deadpool was fixing his nose that just broke, cause of me so I put my pants on really fast. I turned back around to find Wade staring at me.
"It's called privacy." I stated as I walked back over to him I grabbed his face with both of my hand and...

Checked to see if his nose was healed already. "It wasn't to broken I hope." I mentioned as I examined it closely.

"For a second there I thought you were gonna kiss me," he stated. I'm pretty sure I blushed but not like he could see it so I'm fine. "But anyways nope it's good, I already fixed it so there shouldn't be any issues other than the blood that's all over." I did notice the blood that's why I checked but, regeneration. I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed him out a small wash cloth and walked back over to him and started wiping his face off.

Authors note-
Sorry if the last chapter was difficult to understand Deadpool was talking to the narrator I wanted it to be a little like the comics when he knows he's in a story thing. By the way thanks for the comments and votes. I know this story is short and I don't have many comments only four but,... it means slot guys T~T I'm so happy also full of sarcasm. But it's cool that you guys like this story anyway do you guys feel the sexual tension in the room because I...

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