Actually Maybe Um... furry?

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OMGlob!!!!!!!! Guys that's 3,000 views, well reads, whatever.... anyways hell yes!!! That makes me hella happy, here's something I wrote for you guys.

Also my phone gotten taken away so I've only been able to write during English class..(sorry Ms. O but like baby got 3K views, at least I'm still technically writing an essay, right?

Anyways that's all sorry for the wait again, thanks for the support also you guys are AMAZEBALLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

Ps. You guys would not believe how hard it was to write this during class without laughing out loud or my teacher coming over my shoulder to read my 'essay'. Keeping a straight face is hard.. ;P


Wade ran as fast as he could with the help of the public bus to get to Walmart where he searched for the perfect gift for a perfect someone for the perfect moment. And he found it, it was big, and soft, and fluffy, and just the right size. As he walked to the cash register he grabbed some KY jelly, a mini sewing kit, and a few ultra big trojan condoms. Also he grabbed a few bags of chocolate but that was for him individually. He bought his items and headed back.
Like he hoped, Colossus still wasn't back. Thank god because what Wade was about to do could either give Colossus a heart attack in a good way or a very, very bad way. Wade got ready for his special sneak attack on Colossus but as he waited it seemed like Colossus would never get back so with nothing left to think of except a big teddy bear, Wade drifted into a very sweet sleep.

When Wade awoke it was still dark outside the only difference was that Colossus was back and snoring peacefully beside Wade. SHIT! Wade silently screamed at himself how was he going to explain this when Colossus woke up. Without any thought Wade threw out every rational thought when he realized Colossus was only wearing his underwear.
Wade shook the shit out of Colossus to wake him up, I'll admit it wasn't easy. Colossus finally stirred awake and jumped in surprise,"Am I dreaming?" He asked half sleeping still.
"You might be, but think of this as heaven and the fact that you want sex right now" Wade almost demanded.
"That's impossible your just a teddy bear, why do you sound like Wade?" Wade looked back down at himself "Damnit!" Wade was wearing the teddy bear costume he had bought from Walmart, that was his special surprise. He was going to fuck the big teddy bear dressed as a big teddy bear. "That's because I am Wade and the only way to change me back into a human is to let me fuck you" Wade decided he might as well have some fun with it if Colossus didnt realize anytime soon.
"Oh" Colossus yawned and nodded still not entirely awake, "if it will turn you back, I love you. I wanna fuck real Wade though. But fine." Colossus was definately still not entirely awake but all of a sudden he pinned teddy Wade to the bed with his hands gliding down the suit to where there was a cut out for Wade's dick which was sticking out because of his boner.
Begins the sex
Colossus lowered himself to start sucking off Wade. Wade moaned as the cold man of metal licked his tip. Then, of course, Wade forcably grabbed Colossus's actual head and shoved his dick all the way to the back of Colossus's throat.
He easily took Wade's cock and Wade moaned again as he felt his dick slide against Colossus's wet tongue.
Shlick shlick shlick
Wade's dick was thrusting back and forth inside Colossus's mouth, nothing had ever felt better.

And since I'm a cock blocker I'm going to end this chapter here. Sorry teehee...
The next chapter will involve a lot more... you know... sorry how short this one is but the next one will make up for it...

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