The Morning After

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Okay buds...  I've seemed to have lost my brain, but hey everything's okay cuz' I'm on vacation!!.. jk I get no vacation until summer. But hey let's read something more important...Deadpool and Colossus


Wade woke up next to a slumbering Colossus. He stayed laying there for a few moments just watching him sleep and breathe. Wade really cared about him, just as much as Vanessa, hell probably even more.
     He certainly didnt want Colossus to resent him or in baby terms abandon him.
      "Peter... I lov-"
   'Knock. Knock. Knock'
Someone banged their fist on their door,"MR.WILSON YOUR NEEDED DOWN STAIRS"
As Wade walked downstairs he couldn't help but imagine the worst possible scenario of Peter breaking his heart after showing his vulnerability.
A few minutes later, after Wade had left, Colossus began to open his eyes. He looked around the room almost in a burst of shock. "Wade?" He called out-of response, "Wade?" -no response. Colossus looked down in a state of disbelief and silently mumbled to himself "Please tell me that wasn't just a dream." Colossus checked underneath the covers just to make sure Wade wasnt hiding or something.
Colossus didnt find anything other than his own nudity. "I need to find Wade" Colossus mumbled to himself.

On the other hand downstairs...
Wade followed the mutant girl that led him into a room filled with, let's be honest, dipshits Wade did not care for. Dr. Xavier was the the first to set eyes on Wade and was the only one to do so. Everyone else avoided eye contact and fidgets were common here and there. Wade looked at all of them, "If it's the scars, I dont get it either. I mean they should heal right? They don't". Dr.Xavier spoke up, "Now Mr. Wilson that isnt what we called you in for. I know you're new to our home but you do have to understand that we have rules," he paused waiting for Wade to nod, which he didn't, "Rules that everyone knows and ones that are just common courtesy. Like for example the students forms as well as some of the teachers here are lined up in the same hallway. And since they are so close sound tends to be able to travel among them easily. Do you understand?" Dr.Xavier really was a little sharp around the edges but he did not fail to get the point across.
Wade pulled up his arm into a salute, " Yessir' I do understand you dont want anymore fucking noises coming out of the room I am staying in. I will try and tie a cloth around metal balls mouth next time to block some of the sound," he leaned over and whispered to the others-" ooh kinky". Then finished his salute and skipped out of the room like a little gir- *cough cough* I mean a real man's man.
Alright this is going to be two parts but I haven't finished the story on colossuses side so I'll have to update later. Anyways sorry for the long wait, remember to comment and vote or whatever u feel like but the comments are real 👌 and on 🔥plus they're hella fun to read... that's it sorry bye

Deadpool X ColossusWhere stories live. Discover now