3rd Times A Charm

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Okay sorry about the cliffhanger, but my creative juices just weren't into it, so I've "researched" a bit (basically just jerked off to a bunch of porn) and I think I got something good for you guys but call me out on it if you guys dont think so... Anyways I wont say more so, here ya go.

Wade's dick was thrusting back and forth inside Colossus's mouth, nothing had ever felt better. Colossus licked up from Wade's balls all the way to his tip, kissing it when he got there. He did it again this time he left a kiss where his dick and balls met and then started licking. He took Wade's cock back in his mouth with a slow pace looking up at the teddy bear head every once in awhile for eye contact. Wade was getting a real good show and he wasn't sure if he could hold back much longer. But when Colossus sped up the pace on going back and fourth, his teeth just barely scraped his dick and that was it. Wade held Colossus's head still as he thrusted and came inside of Colossus's mouth. "You better swallow all of it, mnnn, kids are starving in Africa!" Wade let out during his peak.
And Colossus did. He swallowed all of it, no gagging and no drippage. All of Wade's cum just disappeared into a black hole of sexiness.
  The greed in Wade's eyes were met by Colossus's lustful expression, and that's when it really started. Wade scrambled over on the bed to get over to  Colossus wanting the one thing he was wearing off: his perfectly fitting underwear briefs that were concealing the best and biggest cock Wade had ever seen. Wade pulled them down letting Colossus dick spring up almost as if it was it's own trophy. Wade pushed Colossus over, well more like he pushed a rock but the rock understood and leaned back onto the bed for him, and couldn't hold back any more, Wade tore off the teddy bear suit without a second thought. Colossus just laid there in complete shock if he wasn't awake before he sure as hell was now. But Colossus didnt stop him, maybe it was because 1. he was already this far, or 2. maybe he just didnt care, or 3. maybe he just really, really wanted Wade to fuck him here and now. "Ding!Ding! Ding! Three is the magic number!"  Wade continued on his escapade of the metal mountain where he started off with sucking on Colossus's dick and just barely rimming his other end. "Mhhn uuh, Wade, mmmm" Wade started fingering Colossus. He wanted him so badly but he didnt want to hurt him so he would take the long path.
       Followed with a lot more manly moaning from Colossus, Wade was just about to get three fingers when Colossus pulled his head back up and started kissing him. Colossus set the kiss in stone, making it one hell of a passionate moment. It was so much ecstacy everywhere Wade wasn't sure what to do. All he knew was that once he got four fingers he was gonna fuck Colossus hard.
Colossus moaned into the kiss and pulled away: "Wade. Stick your damn cock inside of me now, or so help me, I will shove  mine inside of you." Wade looked at him, oh my god did he love this man. Wade followed what he said and started putting the tip in. Colossus couldn't wait any longer, and moved closer into Wade;  making his dick go all the way in. Colossus bucked from pleasure as Wade thrusted in and out. Sounds of moans coming from both of them. They couldn't contain the heat of the moment Colosss was set on his back legs wide open panting heavily. Wade was on his knees, leaned forward thrusting slowly as he jerked off Colossus. Both of them never lifting an eye off the other.Wade sped up the pace, making a beautiful clapping sound every time their bodies collided.
   Wade came again inside of Colossus this time where he had planned. Colossus still hasn't come but his cock was very huge and very perpendicular to his body.
  "What, do you say, third times the charm?" Wade squeezed out in between breaths.
Colossus got up on his knees towering over Wade "Third time is my charm."
Colossus pulled Wade to him by the ass.  Colossus kissed him messily then flipped him over so Wade was standing on his knees and elbows, completely exposed. Colossus couldn't wait but he needed to at least get it a little more wet, so he leaned down and started tonguing his asshole. Then one finger, two fingers, three... Damn was Wade loose.
Colossus couldn't wait any longer and grabbed his own dick and started sliding it into Wade.Then bam he was as far as Wade's asshole would let him go because Wade tightened up so much."Wade relax you're tightening around me." Colossus hushed out.

"I know but your gigantic and it feels so good" Wade bit his lip, holding back the screams he wanted to get out, could something hurt this good?

Colossus sat there for a moment contemplating what t do and taking in the view of Wade being dominated.
Then Colossus just started slowly sliding, not quite thrusting but he was going back and forth. That's when Wade started listening his grip and Colossus started speeding up. Wade's inside were so warm and wet that Colossus felt way to good.
And when wade had his g-spot crashed into by Colossus's big metal cock that was it "Awwh fuck!!! Peter!!! Mhnnnnhuuuuh"
Colossus came to Wade calling him by his first name. He started coming inside of Wade but he pulled out as soon as possible and jizzed all over Wade's back. Once he was done all that could be heard in the room were the sounds of their heavy breaths.

Okay hope that was worth tthe wait and sorry if it wasn't your thing oh well...

So I was writing this and my friend asked me what was happening so I explained it to them and they summarized it back to me and this is what they said "Basically wade comes 2 times and wants to do it again but colossus is like no bitch it's my turn"
Haha... I 'lmao'ed cuz that is kinda what happened anyways comment what u think, or what u want cuz idk what should happen next. But dont get mad if I dont write what u wanted, it just might not be what i wanted for the story, ya know. Blahblah blah... bye...

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