Chapter 1

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At the Salvatore house there was a meeting between Damon, Elena, Stephan, Bonnie, and Caroline. Dicussing on how to kill an original because they sure as hell can't take it.

"We're running out of ideas, maybe we could just grab big fat stake and Bonnie could probably put some spell on it or something." Caroline said.

"Ah not bad blondie, actually have a good idea for once, maybe that little tiny brain of yours actually works after all." Damon said.

"Actually it works very well, thank you!"

"Whatever you say." Damon said smiling.

"Ughh! Listen you- "

"Guys we don't have time for you to be fighting, we came here for a reason remember?" Elena said.

"She's right, so instead of fighting why don't you figure out a way to kill the originals." Stefan said.

"But I already did say something." Caroline said.

"Yea but what spell would I use exactly to do the job." Bonnie asked

"See blondie." Damon said

"Shut up Damon!" Caroline yelled getting mad.

"Yes please shut up, apparently you're getting on my nerves too." Kol said as he and his siblings walked into the house.

Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol walked into the room and took a seat, they were all wearing black which seemed odd to the others, and so Klaus took a seat next to Caroline, Elijah took one to Elena, Rebekah took one next to Stefan, and Kol took one next to Bonnie.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked, very awared.

"We just wanted to have a little chat that's all." Klaus said with a smile on his face.

"Oh really, then start talking." Damon said.

"Have a liitle patience Damon, anyway- "

"We know what you guys are planning, and I'm telling you right now to stop because there's no way any of you can actually kill us, so don't be stupid because you'll regret it." Kol said a bit angry.

"Now, now Kol, we just wanted to reason with them remember?" Elijah said

"No Elijah. You wanted to reason with them. I'm just simply warning them." Kol said with an evil grin on his face.

After several minutes of arguing, Kol noticed Bonnie being quiet, giving dirty looks. So he tuned out of the conversation and started talking to her saying, "Hey Bonnie."

"Kol." Bonnie said coldly.

"You look nice today." He said as he sees her in a black strapless shirt with a black patterned leggings and black heels to match it.

"Mm-hmm." Bonnie said looking away.

"Oh c'mon now, I just gave you a compliment, the least you can do is say thank you." Kol said as he touched her long black hair. Bonnie wanted to slap him, even though his hand in her hair feels good. So she just slapped his hand away and said, "Look, I don't associate with people like you."

"Ouch that hurt." Kol said playfully.

Bonnie was really close to slapping him but didn't want to make a scene so she didn't.

"Why are you even talking to me?"

"Because you are beautiful, and I find beautiful girls very sexy." Kol said seductively as he touched her cheek lightly with his fingers.

Bonnie was about to raise her hand to slap him but, she couldn't and wouldn't, she just kept...still when he kept brushing his fingers lightly on her cheek.

Thankfully Elijah came to her rescue.

"Kol, why don't leave that poor girl alone?"

"Anyway we are leaving." Klaus said.

"Already?" Kol asked.


"Yea let's, Im in the mood for a little...snack." Rebekah said with a smile.

"Ok." Kol said getting up.

So they started to leave but right before Kol left he turned around and winked at Bonnie and she just rolled her eyes. As soon as the door was shut, Caroline said to Bonnie, "What was that?"

"What was what?" Bonnie asked.

Caroline pointed to the door saying, "Kol!"

"Kol, just being Kol, man can you believe that guy, ugh."

"What I can't believe was how you responded to him when he touched your cheek."

"What?" Bonnie said shocked.

"Yup, you didn't move a single finger to stop him, yea, that's right, I saw it."

"Caroline's right Bonnie, you were just...still." Elena said.

"Oh now look, the witchie girl is falling for a original, oh wait, but it's not just any original, it's Kol Mikaelson!" Damon said throwing his hands up in the air making it sound so dramatic.

"Bonnie, what about Jeremy?" Stefan asked.

"Ok, look everybody! I am not falling for Kol, I actually hate him and Jeremy and I are just friends, ok?"

"Fine." They all said even though they think she's denying it, they don't know for sure but they are willing to find out.

"Anyway I have to go take a walk." Elena said as she gets upto leave.

"I'll go with you." Damon said as he gets up to leave too, with his girlfriend. And they left.

"Yea, it's kinda been a long day, I think i'll go too. Bye guys. Bonnie says as she leaves.

As soon as Bonnie leaves, Caroline said, "So now what?"

"Mmm, I don't know." Stefan answered.

They just sat there for a moment and until Stefan said, "TV?"

"Sure." Caroline answered.

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