Chapter 8

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Several hours later...

When Bonnie woke up it was like 8:00 in the afternoon. Geez I slept this long? As soon as Bonnie put her head up, she screamed. By the fact that everybody was surrounded around the bed in her room and apparently her scream scared them or just annoyed them.

"Hey! Really? Did you have to scream?" Damon said very annoyed.

"Yea, Bonnie, that hurt." Elena said agreeing.

"Don't you ever do that again, you scared me." Caroline said.

"That was pretty loud." Stefan agreed.

"I think my ear drum just popped." Matt said rubbing his ear.

"Yea mines too." Jeremy agreed.

Bonnie could honestly not believe it, everybody was here, Elena, Stefan, Damon, Matt, Jeremy, and Caroline.

"What are you guys doing here? Bonnie said still amazed.

"Remember when we said we'd check on you?" Caroline asked.

"Yes..." Bonnie said waiting.

"We'll here we are."

" brought everybody?"


"Wow, you didn't have to, especially with him." Bonnie said looking at Damon.

"We'll I didn't want to come but Elena here forced me to, so we're both out of luck."

Elena smacked him on the chest.

"What? She started it."

Just then, the door flew open, and to everyone's surprise it was Katherine.

"Looks like party just started without me."

Katherine said, walking in.

"What are you doing here Katherine?" Stefan asked.

"I heard that all of you would come to be here for tonight for Bon Bon, so I wanted to see for myself."

"Great, now you see it. Get out!" Damon said pointing to the door.

"Not so fast. I thought I'd check on her too.

How you doin' Bon Bon?"


"How did you even know we would come here in the first place?" Caroline asked.

"I have my ways." Katherine said sitting down on a chair.

"I've never seen so much chairs in a room before what's with all that?"

"For everyone to sit." Matt answered trying to point the obvious.

"Yea whatever."

Just then the door flew open with more visitors, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol.

"Oh my God! More visitors! Hey, should I bring the whole mystic falls too."

"Oh quit complaining, it's only four of us." Rebekah said.

"Yea, and apparently I don't like the four of you."

"We'll get used to it Damon because we're gonna be here for quite a while." Klaus said taking a seat near the window.

"No kidding." Damon taking a sip of his beer.

"Hey, where did you get that?" Katherine asked.

"Mini-fridge over there." Damon said pointing to where it was next to Stefan near the wall.

"Stefan would you be a dear, and pass me a beer?"

Stefan took one but before tossing it he asked Bonnie, and Katherine just rolled her eyes. "Sure, it doesn't matter."

So Stefan tossed one to Katherine and then Klaus started to have a chat with Stefan, Damon with Elena, Katherine with Matt and Jeremy, Rebekah and Caroline, and Elijah just staring around the room, probably thinking how it is, so that leaves Bonnie and Kol.

"C'mon Bonnie could you please scooch over so I could sit?" Kol asked.

"Mmm, no."

"Please, look there's no more space." Kol pointing out, Bonnie looked and saw that there was no more chairs or anything.

"Fine." She said as she moved over to her left so he could sit next to her.

"So this is what you've been doing all day...sleeping?

"I guess so." Bonnie said as she sighed.

"Why?" Kol asked.

"Tired." Bonnie answered.

"Of me." Kol said playfully with a hint of sadness.

"No--uh yea but that's not it."

"Wait, wait did you say no?"

"Yea but I didn't mean to- "

"Bonnie likes me, Bonnie likes me." Kol singed.

"I don't." Bonnie spit back.

"Then what was that last night?"

"Something I thought I could get off my chest?"

"Well obviously that didn't work and after what happened last night it only made me want you more." Kol said touching her thighs but Bonnie stopped him by grabbing his wrist.


"Don't know if I could." Kol said as he started again to touch her thigh working his way up to her inner thigh.


"Please what Bonnie?" Kol said still touching.

Bonnie couldn't find the words to say or do anything by once again someone came to her rescue.

"Ok listen up people I have an idea." Katherine said.

Everybody looked to see her and Kol obviously stopped touching Bonnie although he still placed a hand on her lap.

"Since we're all sitting here, I've decided to do something fun. So I was thinking we all could play Truth."

"Truth? Just truth, we can't play Truth or Dare or something?" Caroline asked.

"Because I'm in an honesty mood right now so we're going to play Truth, the rules of the game is that you always tell the truth obviously or you are out, if you refuse 3 truths you're out and the person who asks you a question has to take a shot. Yep, that's right, I'm adding drinks to this game.

"Woooo." Both Kol and Damon said since there's drinks.

"And the winner gets to do whatever they want with a person for a whole day. So...are you in or out?"

"In!" Damon and Kol said.

"I'm in!" Caroline said after.

"Then I'm in." Stefan said.

"Me too." Elena said.

"We're in." Matt and Jeremy said.

"Perhaps I'll be in too." Klaus said.

"Ok I'll join." Rebekah said.

"I suppose I'll play this childish game too." Elijah said.

Then everyone looked at Bonnie waiting for her to answer.

"Uh..." Bonnie said unsure.

"C'mon Bon it'll be fun." Elena said.

Bonnie looked at Kol, he was smiling as if he was going to win. Not wanting Kol to win will be a challenge she was willing to take.

"Ok I'm in." Bonnie said then everyone cheered.

"Alright now the games begin!" Katherine said excited.

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