Chapter 10

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The next day, afternoon, Bonnie and Caroline were having lunch at the grill.

"You okay?" Bonnie asked unsure.

"Yeah, I just can't believe she would say that to me, telling me it's wrong, I mean you do think its wrong." Caroline said.

"No, but she's our friend- "

Well, until she says sorry, I don't think so." Caroline said eating a fry.

Then that's when Elena walked in, she saw Bonnie and smiled but when she saw who was with her, her smile was gone. So instead of saying hi, she went straight to the bar.

"Oh great, she's here." Caroline said paying attention to her food.

"Oh please, I'm going to call her here. El- "

"Wait, what. No!" Caroline said grabbing her arm to stop her.

"Relax, you'll thank me later. Elena!" Bonnie yelled trying to get her friend's attention.

Elena looked at them and hesitated but still walked.

"Hey Bonnie. Caroline." Elena said avoiding Caroline's eyes.

"Elena." Caroline said still paying attention to her food.

"Hey, come sit with us." Bonnie said gesturing for her to sit.

"Oh, I don't think so- "

"Oh cmon, for me?" Bonnie said.

"Okay, for you." Elena sat down next to Bonnie.

Then there was an awkward silence for several minutes and Caroline finished her food and thankfully ended the silence saying, "Well I'm done, so I'll just- "

"No you're not, I called Elena here for a reason, you guys are going to kiss and make up right now. You may be vampires but I'm a witch. So...start." Bonnie said waiting.

"I have nothing to say to her." Caroline said.

"Me neither." Elena agreed.

Bonnie still just sat there still waiting, giving them a look that told them she wasn't going any where and neither were they.

"Okay, Caroline look, I'm sorry that I offended you yesterday, I was just telling the truth- "

"The truth?! That was not the truth, it was your opinion, your sick twisted judgmental opinion."

"OK Caroline I'm sorry! What else do you want me to do?!" Elena yelled not caring of the stares. But Bonnie did, she squirmed.

"I want you to stop being selfish, thinking you could always say what you want and thinking other people wouldn't care well guess what, they do, you can actually hurt their feelings with what you say." Caroline said.

"Caroline- "

"Don't. Yesterday when you said that it didn't hurt my feelings just because it was wrong. It hurt because my best friend isn't happy for me, for what I do, instead of helping me go through it, she just judges, making me feel helpless."

"Well, now you know how it feels to be judged by you."

"Excuse me?" Caroline asked.

"You've judged Caroline."

"I hardly!"

"Bonnie?" Caroline asked.

Bonnie looked away.

"Bonnie, do I judge or not?" Caroline asked exasperated.

"Yes." Bonnie whispered.

"Wow," Caroline said sitting down.

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