Chapter 9

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"So since I came up with it in the first place, I'll go first." Katherine said as Stefan passed down the bottles to go to her.

"So right here, there's Vodka, Champagne, and Whiskey. Which one to use first?"

"Vodka." Some of them said.

"Whiskey." Others said at the same time.

"Well I want whiskey, so we're going to use whiskey- "

"What are you, the Queen of England? Who said you can decide everything?" Damon asked.

"Uh I did Damon and of course it's my game- "

"Uh no, I don't care what it is, I say we have a vote." Damon said looking at everyone, seeing if they agree.

Everybody seemed to be nodding their heads to that.

"Fine, all in favor for Vodka?" She saw the raised hands. "All in favor for whiskey?" Again she saw the raised hands.

"See Damon, whiskey wins." Katherine said giving him a face and Damon gave her the face right back.

"Ok so let's get this game started shall we? So I'll go first, so Elena since you've been with both the Salvatore brothers, I have to ask, who was better who was better at sex, Stefan or Damon?"

"Seriously?" Damon obviously not wanting to know the answer just in case it wasn't him.

"Hey, it's a game." Katherine said.

"Uh um, I'd say...Damon." Elena said putting her head down, then everyone looked at Stefan expecting to see a reaction, luckily there was none. But everybody there's something.

"What about you? Elena asked Katherine.

"Uh, it wasn't even your turn but sure we can do it that way and yes my answer is Damon, I mean Stefan was good but Damon was more hot, sexy, and fun."

Now there was a look on Stefan's face, he's jaw went wide open and Kol just burst out laughing hard saying, "Two girls that looks the same and are each other's doppelganger just said Damon your own brother, was better at sex than you. Classic." Kol said pointing at Stefan, still laughing. Stefan was speechless with his mouth still open and others started to snicker a little.

"Ok guys that's enough, leave him alone." Caroline said. Everybody was surprised by her reaction and just stared.

"And by the way Katherine and Elena, you guys forgot to take a shot." Caroline said, desperately wanting to change the subject.

"Oh right." Elena said as she and Katherine took a shot.

"My turn," Rebekah said, "What is going on between you and Stefan, Caroline?"

" "

"Just say it." Damon said impatient and bored, needing a drink.

"Well nothing is going on really, were just seeing how things go with us, you know." Everyone was shocked. Rebekah took a shot and Elena just looked mad. Madly concerned but mad.

"Ok so...Klaus, what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you and didnt tell anyone before?" Caroline asked.

Klaus looked hesitant but still answered, "Uh, it was back in those days when me and Stefan were mates, we were at the bar we got drunk we...kissed, and Rebekah saw it and reminding me everyday for a month." Klaus said puttng his head down.

"Rebekah burst out laughing first, then they all did except Klaus and Stefan.

"Stefan's on a roll!!" Kol said laughing so hard even clapped in the process.

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