Chapter 7

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The next morning Bonnie woke up. Looking to her right, seeing if Kol was there, and yes he was, still sleeping. Bonnie never seen someone look so peaceful before, she actually thought it was kinda cute, but then she realized something, Oh no, this was just a one time thing, no more. She thought, she also thought She needed to leave the bedroom but looking at him like that, she couldn't but stare at him.

"Would you like to take a picture?" Kol said, eyes still closed.

"Shut up." Bonnie said slightly embarrassed.

"Hey you're the one looking at me." Kol said finally opening his eyes.

"Mmm, and how would you know that?" Bonnie asked.

"Uh, hello, vampire." Kol replied smiling.

Shaking her head a little she said, "You do realize that this thing, we did here was just one time right. It'll never happen again."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Uh because I know."

"Know that you had a great time last night."

"No I just know that it's never going to happen again. So don't get this in your head that this is serious or anything."

"Who said I was?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Bonnie said with a fake smile.

"Oh c'mon, you can't tell me you didn't like it, I liked it. A lot.

Getting up, putting on clothes she said, "Well savor the memories, because that's the only ones you'll get."

"Well see." Kol said watching her get dressed.

"Mm-hm." Bonnie said as she was fully dressed and turned to Kol as if she waiting for him to do something.

"What?" Kol asked.

"Get up, I need to make my bed." Bonnie said waiting.

"Ok, ok." Kol said getting up completely naked, he hadn't realized that until Bonnie looked at him with wide eyes, that's when he flashed an evil grin on his face.

Noticing the look on his face, she said, "Put on your clothes." Looking away she started making her bed.

Snickering a little, he puts on his clothes, after that he slowly walks toward Bonnie while she was still making the bed.

So when Bonnie was almost finished, behind her Kol whispered, "Bonnie." Startled. Bonnie gasped and the moment she turned around he stole a kiss from her that lasted about ten seconds, then he quickly vamp speeded to the door and left before Bonnie had the chance to say or do anything about it.

"Ugh. Kol!" Bonnie said angry.


Kol laughed all the way home, when Kol got inside the house, Rebekah came down and asked him, "Where were you?" Even though she already knew, judging by how Bonnie came in looking for him looking yesterday.


"Of course, I knew it."

"Oh really?" Kol saying as he sits on the couch. "And how would you know that sister?"

"She came yesterday looking for you."

"Really?" Kol asked surprised.

"Yes and she had the nerve almost try to lie but I told her. Anyway seeing how you didn't come last night explains why. So how was it?"

"It was good actually, but apparently she. says th hat was the first and last time it was ever going to happen again,  but I obviously have a hard time believing that."

"Of course, that girl is obviously head over heels for you."

"Yeah, she was sure to hate me forever but all of a sudden she wants me, just like that, I wonder what made her do it suddenly."

"Ugh. Don't worry little brother she'll be back." Rebekah said rolling her eyes.

"I know, anyway where are the others?"



Rebekah just shrugged saying, "Probably just munching off girls for all I care."

Kol laughed saying, "You are my favorite sister, you know that?"

"Oh please, I'm your only sister."

"But favorite. "



Bonnie already took a shower and was dressed so then she started walking, as she always does in the morning still a little angry about Kol this morning kissing her. He was smart to do it fast. What really bothered her was that she liked it. Like him. Ugh. Wasn't I supposed to be over him by now, why do I still have this feeling about t him. Damn it. She thought in frustration that she still likes Kol.

"Why am I even thinking about him?!" Bonnie yelled.

Bonnie kept walking then all of a sudden she had this feeling that someone was following her so she quickly turned around to see but sadly she saw no one and turned back around and continued her walk but then she had that sense again, thinking it was probably a vampire she quickly turned around and said a spell that would vampires in their minds. Hearing cries of pain, Bonnie quickly followed the voices seeing who could possibly follow her, and to her surprise it was Stefan and Caroline.

Seeing it was them she quickly stopped saying the spell and yelled, "Stefan. Caroline. What are you doing here and why did follow me?"

"Well we wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing." Stefan said as he and Caroline got back up on their feet.

"So secretly following me is how u wanna check up on me?" Bonnie said arms crossed.

"It was Caroline's idea, but yes."

"Hey!" Caroline said slapping his chest.

Stefan putted his hands up in defense while Bonnie gives them weird looks.What us with those two?

"Anyway yes we were following you to see how you were doing because we were worried, especially me."

"We'll I'm just fine Caroline, so don't be worried, neither of you." Bonnie as she started walking again.

Stefan and Caroline followed and Caroline asked, "What we're you talking about when u said 'Why am I even thinking about him?' Who is that person?"

A little startled by the question Bonnie swallowed and said, "Nobody important."

"Obviously it's somebody important otherwise you wouldn't say anything about it, so who is it?" Caroline asked waiting for an answer.

"Its Kol." Stefan guessed.

Bonnie kept quiet at that.

"Of course! I forgot u liked him, how could I have not known- "

"I DO NOT LIKE HIM!" Bonnie turned around yelled at the top of her lungs.

Shocked, very shocked, Caroline just stood there, and Stefan looks concerned.

"Look I'm sorry, I'm just tired I think I'm going to go back home and go to bed."

Stefan just nodded his head and said, "Sure, I'll come by later to come check up on you again."

"Look Stefan- "

"I'm not taking no for an answer." Stefan said now serious. Caroline was still standing there but after minutes said, "Yea. I'm coming later too. Ok? Bye." She said waving and started walking after her, and they left.

"Bye." Bonnie whispered before walking back home to sleep.

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