Chapter 3

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3 days later...

"Bonnie get up! You've been on this bed on this bed for the last 3 days and its time for you to get up." Caroline says as she tries to wake Bonnie up from sleeping.

"Mmmmm, stop it." Bonnie mumbled sleepy.

"C'mon!" Caroline said managing to get the cover off.

"Mmm, what time us it?" Bonnie still said sleepy.

"About two o' clock. PM!"

Caroline then managed to get Bonnie up to her feet. Finally. She thought.

"See, I'm up, happy."

"Very, now c'mon, take a shower, get dressed and ready, we're going out."


"You'll see."


So at the Mystic Fall Grill, Bonnie and Caroline are sitting at a table talking like old friends do, you know.

"So Bonnie why have you been at your house just sleeping for the last three days? I was really getting worried." Caroline said looking concerned.

"Look Caroline I was just tired and felt like keeping that's all."

"Yea but everyone was worried, especially me, I actually thought you were dead."

"Well I'm sorry to make you feel that way."

"Good. Next time call or text."

Laughing a little, Bonnie said, "I will."


So Kol and Rebekah are heading to the grill apparently to drink. So once they arrived there, the first thing Kol spotted was Bonnie. Bonnie sitting at a table with Caroline. Does she always look good? Kol said looking at her with interest.

Bonnie saw Kol and their eyes linked for a second, then Bonnie told Caroline, "Hey, I'm going to get us some drinks."

"Ok." Caroline replied.

So Bonnie head over to the bar where Matt was, she could swear she feels eyes behind her, watching her. Knowing it was Kol she didn't dare to look back.

"Hey Matt."

"Hey Bonnie, what would you like?"

"I don't know, surprise me."

"Ok, I know just what to get you." Matt said as he went to go make the drinks.

Kol thought Bonnie looked sexy as always,  he obviously thought this would be a perfect time to fool around with her again, that maybe this time she would admit that she likes him.

"Ah, thinking about Bonnie girl over there aren't you?" Rebekah asked obviously knowing.

"Maybe." Kol said with a grin on his face.

Laughing a little, Rebekah said, " Don't worry little, I got this."

Rebekah went to the table where Bonnie was sitting in front of Caroline and started chatting.

After that Kol said to himself, "Nice work big sister."

So Kol started walking towards where Bonnie was, when he got there, he said, "Hey Bonnie, long time no see."

"Its only been three days." Bonnie said with disgust.

"Oh well, so how's it going?"

"Better, without seeing you."

"Ouch." Lol said touching his heart. Bonnie just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, can't you be be nice for once, for me?"

"Uh, no."

"Fine, be like that."


"But seriously did you miss me?"

"Ugh, no."

Another bartender finally came up and asked Kol what he would like.

"I would like a glass of whiskey please, if you don't mind."

Then Kol started looking in the bartender's eyes and said, "And make this one on the house, will you."

"Sure thing." The guy said breaking out of his compulsion. Then left for the drink.

"Are you serious? Compelling a guy for that?" Bonnie said.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am."

"Wow what kind of stupid monster are you?"

"An original."


"What, you asked, answered. By the way Bonnie are you ready for round two of walking together.

"Ugh, that's it." Bonnie said as she gets up to leave. "Caroline lets go, we're leaving."

"We are? Why?" 

Bonnie gave Caroline that look that made Caroline get up to go after her.

"We're not done with our conversation." Caroline said before she left.

"Of course not." Rebekah says as she walks up to where Kol was sitting. At the bar.

"What were you ladies talking about." Lol asked.

"Oh nothing important, just Caroline."

"Ok now here is your whiskey." The man said as he gave Kol his drink.  Then Matt came out saying, "Bonnie, here you go-  oh sorry, where's Bonnie?"

"Hey Matt." Rebekah said.

"She left." Kol answered.

"So what am I going to do with these now?"

Did Matt really just ignored we? Rebekah thought.

"Give it to me, I could really use a drink right now so..." Rebekah said.

"Uh, fine,  sure its on the house."

"Aww thanks Matt."

"Welcome." Matt said walking away.

"So, how was with Bonnie?" Rebekah asked.

Kol shrugged but smiled.

"Still resisting?"

"Yes that'll stop soon."

"Holding their drinks together they said, "Cheers."

No Longer Could Resist- KennettWhere stories live. Discover now