Kinks // [S]Markus

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Pairing: Markus and FemReader

Summary: You and Markus are having a lil bit of fun. How's that for a summary?

Warning: Smut, choking, and daddy kink sorry if u dont like this lol. If u dont know, smut means written sex so yeah.

Note: I'll be putting '[S]' on chapters w smuts.


"God morning sunshine" Markus greeted you while pulling you in closer under the sheets. You felt his cold yet comforting bare torso against your warm bare chest making you shiver hug him closer than before. Your cute gesture of affection brings a smile on Markus' face, his hand found its way on your hair slowly and carefully combing it down.

"Morning," your voice came out muffled since your face is buried in between his torso and your arm which is wrapped around him.

You and Markus had been staying on the same roof after Markus successfully won the demonstration at the plaza. You gain a lot of scars when the military forces forced their way and try to kill every android they could find. The reason you and Markus are alive is because the media got a glimpse of you bleeding on the arena also the way you stepped up as the only human in JERICHO and showing affection toward Markus made Madam President change her perspective towards every android.

You are the only human who's part of Jericho who volunteered to help the androids in need and in return they gave you their trust, so you did your absolute best to convince everyone that androids are alive.

And now, here you are peacefully woken up by Markus on your own bed and in your own house.

"I'm so happy" Markus spoke randomly, this made you look up at him with questioning look but his gaze is not meeting yours, he continued "I'm so happy to see androids out of the dark, happy that we are an individual and happy that..." he paused

He looked at you in the eyes with his mismatched ones and his hand laid on your cheeks, holding your gaze he said, "I'm happy that you're here with me, alive".

The fluttering feeling in your stomach seems to grow every second you spend with Markus, not saying that its a bad thing but he is the only one who made you feel this way.

"I feel the same with you Markus," you smiled back at him. Markus slowly pulled you in for a kiss and when your lips met you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.

Your lips gracefully danced with Markus making you moan in pleasure, this only made him deepen the kiss by placing a hand through your hair slightly pulling it as your kisses became hot and erotic.

You can't do anything, the only thing that you could do is stop yourself being a moaning mess. And yet you failed when his lips trails down your neck and found your sweet spot giving it a little bite. Markus knows every little thing that you enjoys and he finds his way to tease you about it.

Markus rolled over so now he's on top of your body. His hands pulled both of your hands up and grip them with one hand, you groan at his tight hold but this only turns you on.

His lips slowly bit your ear lobe and whispered, "What do you want?" He asked seductively, slowly grinding his clothed groin against your heated core.

You moaned in pleasure, "get rough with me daddy" you whispered back as if you're telling someone a secret.

You felt the vibration of his chuckle against your ear making you whimper, "You want it rough huh" he smirked and gave you a final kiss on the shoulder and tighten his hold on your wrists.

You arch your back wanting more friction on your vagina but Markus purposefully pulled away and watched you want him. He roughly push apart your legs wide open and stared at your soaking clit thats in need of a lot of attention.

His other hand slowly caress your cheek lovingly, "So beautiful" he whispered his breath fanning your parched lips. Then he slowly placed a finger on your mouth, "Suck on it" he ordered.

You obliged and roll your tongue against his finger imagining it as his cock making your eyes flutter closed and slowly rocking your head back and forth.

"Good girl," Markus breathed and pulled his finger from your mouth making a pop sound and his hand found its way to the elastic of your panties. He keeps tugging it down but not completely removing it making you groan in frustration.

"Please daddy, fuck me" You pleaded while biting your lips and tried tugging your hands but his grip is iron strong.

He only responded with a smirk and finally slid his hand through your panties and finally cupping your soaking wet vagina. The cold sensation of Markus' hand and his hand against your core made you gasp.

"Please be rough with me, please" you begged moving your hips to Markus's hand making you moan in pleasure.

"As you wish my princess" He replied and immediately sliding a finger inside you pumping it faster, you moan loudly at the sudden explosion of pleasure.

"F...fuuck.." you moaned, the bed started creaking because of how hard his fingers are drilling inside of you. The pleasure is too overwhelming that your eyes started to roll over and knots in your stomach started to form, "I-I'm... fuck! Pleaasse!" You screamed at the pleasure, you're sure that if he didnt stop pumping his digits you will cum right then and there.

And as if Markus heard your thought, he pulled away his fingers and sucked his fingers clean staring at you in the eyes. You were panting, the high that you're trying to get was now gone and beads of sweat started to form at the nape of your neck.

Markus licked his fingers one last time and smirked, "So sweet, Y/N, so sweet" he said and then he let go of your hands but you just kept panting.

Markus slowly wrapped his fingers on your neck, Oh god your kink is kicking in, in instinct you placed your hands at the top of markus's hand staring at him with doll eyes, "Choke me... please..."

Markus growled a little and ripped his boxers off and lined his cock against your entrance and buried his face against your neck whispering, "I love it when you beg"

He thrust into you full force making you scream in pure euphoria, the pleasure doubled as his fingers around your neck slowly tightens making you moan louder. Markus knows your limits and thats the reason why you trust him with your kinks.

Markus breathed heavily against your neck since his whole body is in the verge of overheating but not in a bad way.

"You like it huh? The way my hand fits perfectly around your neck and how rough I fuck you?" Markus said while panting heavily, then he bites you on your shoulder and then slowly sucking on the area making you go crazy.

"I'm gonna cum," you breathed heavily, your eyes rolling at the back of your head and your thighs started to shake.

"You're gonna cum?" Markus mocked, you nodded while panting and shaking in euphoria, you felt his thumb rubbing against your clit faster and at this point you're overstimulated and your body can't handle it that you started shaking in pleasure, "You love this huh?" He asked through his gritted teeth.

"Fuck! Stop it, fuck!" You moaned, you can't handle the feeling anymore and after a few minutes of Markus roughly thrusting into you, you felt warm liquid squirt inside you and he finally pulled away leaving you empty.

You slowly rode your orgasm and waited a few seconds to talk, you shakily wrapped your arm around Markus who's still on top of you and dug your nails through his skin revealing white patches of skin making Markus groan at the pain.

He panted slowly and laid down next to you, wrapping the blanket on each other's naked body. You faced him and traced the curves of Markus' abs.

"I said rough, not overstimulate me" You whispered joking and hugged him tight only to receive a heartwarming laugh from Markus.

"I'll try next time"


Sooo.... double update I guess lmao. Its 12 now. Damn. If this disturbs you, why did you read it??

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