Dinner // [S] Reed900 pt.2

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Author's Note: I am so pissed that my other smut book that I worked hard on got deleted so I am pouring my anger into this chapter. Also, my way of writing might've changed (it's been three years jfc) so that's a head's up.

And I discovered a lot of sh*t on the internet since the pandemic (mostly bc of manhwas and doujinshis) so yep.

IDC if they're OOC.

!re-read the pt.1 to have a recap!


Warning: Overstimulation, spanking, rimming, swearing, slight bondage, Gavin calling Conan 'Master' coz daddy is meh to me now.


Gavin's POV

I wiped my chin furiously, I suddenly felt my face burning up making me avoid Conan's fierce grey eyes that has been staring at me for what felt like forever. Oh my f.cking god, did I actually moan his name out loud? I looked down on my lap -- sh.t. I didn't even realized that I am sporting a huge tent in my jeans. Did Conan saw it? This is just embarrassing.

"D-Did I?" I played it off, faking a chuckle so that he wouldn't ask anymore questions, "You might've heard something wrong"

"Yes I did and you moaned it in an erotic way too" Conan said, I saw him in my peripheral vision leaning on the table, clasping his hands together and continued to stare at my shivering body.

My dick twitched through my jeans just from Conan's words, making me blush big time. Why does he have to say it like that?

"W-well, you uh.. you were kind of tickling me in my dream so..." I spoke weakly, gulping loudly at how fast my heart has been beating this whole time.

He hummed in response but I can almost hear his smirk through his response.

"But you just moaned my name just like the way your sex partner does when he's being pegged by you" Conan pushed on, I look up at him through my lashes and saw that I was right. He's finding my reactions amusing.

His grey eyes looked at me up and down and then his tongue darted out licking his own lips, making my dick twitch. In all my sex life, I've never been this submissive to anyone, what made me react this way towards him?

He stood up from his chair making me look up at him, then he pulled me by my shirt and drag me to the living room.

"W-what are you doing tin-can?" I asked, but I was answered by a shove to the chest making me fall backward to the sofa. I yelped at the sudden action and looked up at him with an angry expression, "what the hell conan?"

He let out a breathy laugh at me while pulling at his own neck-tie, "Trying to figure out what I did to you in your dream that made you so hard... detective" he whispered his last words and that just made me tug at my uncomfortably tight jeans. I watched him untie his necktie and unbuttoned his shirt, giving me a peek on what his body looks like.

I gulped at the sight in front of me, this is not what I dreamt about but this is much better. I continue to watch him shrug off his jacket leaving him only in his unbuttoned white shirt and tie that's hanging loosely around his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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