Deadly Thoughts // Connor

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Pairing: Connor x Reader

Summary: You're suicidal and Connor tries to stop you from ending it all.

Warning: Mentions of suicide and fluff.

Notes: The next that i will be publishing is a Markus and reader smut

Notes: The next that i will be publishing is a Markus and reader smut

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I placed my hand against Sumo's head and caress him slowly. Sumo whimpers and rested his head against my lap. Late nights always ends up with Sumo's head against my lap, its becoming a habit that I'll never get tired of.

It's the only contact that gives me the reason to live. Dad cares about me, yes, but when Cole died he became a drunken mess. I sometimes had the urge to join him drink and get drunk together since it's the only way to 'forget the past' is what my dad would say.

But what difference would it make for me to get drunk when the horrid memories just comes back in the morning? It's just temporary.

Today feels like a good time to end it all.

Sumo still have Dad to get back to, Dad seems to not care about me at all and he's always occupied with his deviant cases and he's been gone for quite a while. When I end it all today, no one would even notice.

My chest feels heavy as if there's a chain attached to a ball of metal pulling me closer to the darkness. Tears slid down my cheeks continuously as I think of the possibilities of someone caring for me but no one pops into my head making me cry louder.

I looked up the ceiling trying my hardest to stop the tears from escaping but at this point it just won't stop just like a leaking faucet.

I looked down at Sumo who's sleeping peacefully, I patted its head one last time and I slowly moved from my seat. Sumo still looks peaceful and I watched him shuffle on its position went back to sleep.

I smiled at his peaceful features and kissed Sumo at the top of his head trying my best not to sob and startle Sumo. I stood up from my sit and went straight to Dad's room and searched the gun in his bedside table.

My shaking hands found its way on the grip of Dad's revolver, the sudden coldness of the gun made me retract my hand for a split second but I pulled it out of the cabinet nonetheless.

My teary eyes wanders on every side of the gun, Im trying to search for something inside of me to snap and tell myself to stop, this is the first time I want the voices to stop me but theres none.

I have no one.

"Oh God," I sobbed bringing my hands in my eyes wiping away the never-ending stream of tears.

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