i HATE you TOO // [S]Convin pt. 2

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Pairing: Gavin x Connor again

Summary: Gavin tries to apologize for what he did last night

Warning: Sex, hating on each other while getting it on and awfully written dialogues.

Note: Thank you so much for 30k views holy fuck! My pussy quaking!

Dedication: @BasementBlogger because she predicted the fucking future oof

Dedication: @BasementBlogger because she predicted the fucking future oof

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Gavin's POV

I slowly pulled myself up from my deep slumber, but I was only greeted with a pounding headache making me groan out loud.

What the hell happened last night? I can't even remember anything except Connor helping me go home after getting drunker than before.

Forcing myself to remember the nights from before has only made my head ache even worse, "Fuck me," I muttered while massaging my temples.

I got out of bed while rubbing my eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready.

I yawned stretching my arms wide but I felt something sore in my back so I turn my back a bit to the mirror and see why I felt a little bit of pain.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, why the hell is there long scratches on my back? It looks like a fucking bear clawed the shit out of me.

I silently stared on the scratches on my back, some scratches have a little bit of dried blood on them while some are just puffy red.

I glanced away from the mirror and started undressing to take a shower.


I entered the Police Department entrance to see few of my co-workers having their hot cup of coffee in their hands. Some are sitting on their desks doing their paperwork while others are just standing and chatting.

I decided to grab a cup of coffee as usual and went to the break room only to find Connor standing in the middle of the room with a cup of warm coffee in his hand.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "Hey plastic" I commented and approached the coffee machine behind him but he blocked my way making me clench my fist and snarl a little, "Get the fuck out of my way dipshit"

Instead of his disturbingly neutral face, the corners of his lips curve up and... smiled?

Connor raised his hand thats holding the coffee at me, "Good morning Gavin" he said, "I made you a cup of coffee", still holding out the coffee for me to take.

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