Work // Simkus

798 18 3

Who's your top 3 ships?

Tags: mentioning sexual desires, fluff maybe, no sex included sorry


Simon has always fantasized Markus, his co-worker, and it's been getting into his nerves. Why cant he just say that he likes him and that he wants Markus' dick in his ass?

Simon blushed at his own thoughts and continued mopping the same spot to stop these unholy thoughts running in his head.

"What the hell is wrong with you Simon?" He mumbled to himself and went to another spot cleaning it.

But for real, Markus is so hot I cant even, Simon thought and smiled gripping the stick of the mop tight.

And as if fate wants to fuck with Simon, Markus turned a corner with a trolly of cleaning supplies facing Simon who stopped and stared at Markus walking straight at him in awe.

Simon can almost hear his own heart beat in his ears from how hard they are beating by just a single look from Markus.

As usual, Markus is wearing his blue uniform matching his blue cap slightly hiding his eyes which made the blonde frown a bit because Markus's eyes is what he adore the most.

The times where Simon stare into Markus' eyes makes him feel like he's falling to the ocean and the fluffy grass of the mountains at the same time for how bright they shine together.

Markus seems to sense that someone is staring so he looks up revealing his eyes to Simon and smiled waving at him, "Hey Simon, g'morning" Markus greeted continuing to push the cart forward to where Simon was.

Simon immediately snapped away from his daydream, his face immediately turned red from the embarrassment that he was caught staring so he also looked away and forced a light chuckle.

"H-hey!" Simon greeted awkwardly without making eye contact and then brought his hand on his own nape looking so flustered, "G-good morning!"

"You look extra cheerful today," Markus said and smiled, "Is there any special reason why?" He asked with a smirk as if taunting him like a middle schooler to tell the name of his crush.

God fucking damn it he's so adorable, he thought looking down and continued to blush even more.

Should I tell him now? Wait, what if he doesn't like me? Damn it, what am I going to do after he rejects me? Probably quit this job, I can't work in the same job as him if he didn't accept my confession... that'll be awkward, Simon's thoughts are like bullets from an unstoppable gun, continuously firing at his brain eating every ounce of his hope away.

Its now or never.

"W-well there's this certain someone that i like–"

Before Simon could even finish his sentence and confess his feelings to Markus, one of the office workers there stepped in with a stern look.


The two workers looked at her in surprise.

"What the hell are you two slacking off about? If you're going to chit-chat, just go home" she said sternly and walked away the loud sound of stilettos fading in the background muttering 'Men' under her breath all the way out while the two watched.

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