Just dance! // Connor

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Pairing: Connor and Reader

Summary: Connor and Hank are in need of another detective to solve a case and went to your house and... it was interesting.

Requested by @XMozzyX

Note: this is actually really cute. Watch the vid first before you read the dancing part cos I could imagine him doing it really badly.


"I need you two to find Y/N right now, he/she will be able to help you make the technology that you need to stop these deviants" Fowler explained, Hank is about to snap when Fowler continued, "I won't be repeating myself Hank, Y/N is the key to this case either you like it or not. Now get the fuck out"

Hank inhaled sharply, "Fuck you Fowler" he spat at him and exit the room.

"Fuck you too"

"How many people do we have to stop this deviancy? Jesus fucking christ, I can't handle this" Hank said angrily while walking to his desk, Connor following behind him, "I also need to keep eyes on you because you keep disappearing the second I get to turn my back on yah" he sat down on his chair rubbing his temples in frustration.

Connor sat on Hank's desk, "I think it's best for you to stay here while I find the technician that we need. It seems that your stress is very high and you might end up punching me till you get your anger all out" he said

Connor pulled out his coin and started playing it while waiting for Hank's reply, "No, you're not leaving this place without me" Hank said sternly then snatched Connor's coin in midair, "Fuck this coin" he said pocketing the coin with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sorry Lieutenant" Connor replied.


"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Hank asked while scanning the place, "this house looks abandoned"

"I'm certain that this is the house of Y/N, it's the same address and the same picture in their file" Connor replied and stepped forward to the door and knocked, a few moments later and there is no response so he retry again.

"Easy with the door Connor" Hank said smiling, "I think there's no one in th--"

Locks jingles at the other side of the door and it slowly revealed you wearing a sweater thats too big for you with a neck pillow around your neck, "Um, hi?" You asked with your face squeezed in between the door and the doorframe.

Connor smiled at you, "I'm Connor and this is Hank and we would like to ask for help about deviants" he said.

Your mouth formed an 'o' shape and held the door open, "Come on in" you said warmly.

Your house is full of mechanical parts scattered all around the house and at this point it just looks like a huge garage. Hank stared at some of the androids standing near the wall and theyre organized neatly making him think about their other case about a guy experimenting on deviants.

"Why are those androids standing around?" Hank asked while sitting on a wornout chair

You waved your hand awkwardly, "O-Oh I'm just trying to make them these programs about different things and they are my test subjects" you said while shrugging, "you guys want anything?"

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