After Everything // Norkus

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Pairing: Markus x North

Summary: North being scared to talk to Carl so Markus tries to reassure her that everything will be fine.

Plot requested by @enderangel13

Also sorry i dont have any north pic

Also sorry i dont have any north pic

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North's POV


North's head spun to the direction of the noise and found Markus waving from the entrance of the park to get her attention adorably. His simple gesture made her smiled and quickly ran to him and gave him a hug.

"I missed you," North said while squishing her face against his chest.

Markus chuckled running a hand through her hair, "Really? I was just away for one day" Markus said, pulling away from the hug then brought her chin up making her stare into his mesmerizing green and blue eyes, "I talked to Carl about our victory and he wants to talk to you" he ran his hand on North's cheeks slowly in admiration.

The reason why they separated was, Markus went straight to Carl's house and talked about their victory. After all, Carl is Markus' dad and all he wanted to do is impress him of what he did for his people.

Carl still doesn't have a clue about North because the last time Markus visited him, his only intention was to ask for an advice and talk about how lost he is with himself. Their talk didnt end great but he promised to himself that he will be bringing the good news and make him happy.

"Talk to me?" North's eyes widened in fright pulling away from his fingertips, "What if he didn't like my attitude? I know that he knows that I tried to convince you to actually start the war Markus, do you think this is a great idea to introduce your thirsty-for-blood of a girlfriend?"

Markus just chuckles at North's excuse, "Here you go again, always thinking about the negative side of the story," he placed his rough hands on both side of North's face and let their foreheads touch each other, "I'll be by your side when Carl tries to do something horrible to you which is by pulling a strand of your hair and telling you that he just snatched your weave" he said jokingly making North crack a smile.

Pulling away, North nodded with a hesitant smile, "I'll try to be a good person" she said and they started walking to the bus stop with their hands intertwined with each other.


They finally arrived at Carl's place while North holding Markus' hand tight nervously.

"I-I don't think I can Markus," North whisper-yelled at him, "Carl won't like me!"

"C'mon North," Markus said and gripped both her tense shoulders firmly, "I know you're a brave person, you're not afraid to face any danger and talking to Carl made you want to back away from this?"

"You know that I'm still not fond of humans after..." she trailed off, sighing, "After what they tried to do to me".

"Carl isn't like that, he's a fine man with nice intentions. I know him and I know that he can't hurt you, okay?" Markus reassured her, his reassurance didn't help at all but she appreciates her boyfriend's effort for making her feel safe.

Markus stood up straight and walked to the entrance door. Before North could anxiously ring the bell, the door opened automatically and a computerized voice echoed throughout the house welcoming Markus. Markus sent you a reassuring smile and walked inside still holding each others hands.

North took a deep breath trying to decrease the heaviness she's feeling in her chest, and scanned the room. She can tell how wealthy Carl is by just scaling the room theyre in, and they've only just entered the house. The house gives off this welcoming vibe that calms North down a bit, at least now she knew that the guy has a sense of style (even though she knew about Carl being an artist).

"Carl's room is upstairs" Markus said and they slowly ascend the stairs.

North doesn't know how she can express her feelings but the irrational fear of messing up her first time meeting Carl gives her anxiety. She wants to give a very good first impression to him and she couldnt do it if her nerves get the best of her.

North took a deep breath again and gripped Markus hand tighter when they reached Carl's bedroom.

There was an android waiting outside his door and looked both of them and smiled, "Carl's excited to see you two" the android said and stepped aside letting them in.

"Son," a gravelly voice said, North looked at Carl who's laying down on his bed with tubes stuck in his body with a smile when his eyes made its way to Markus' familiar face.

Markus' eyes lit up and approached him, giving him a hug, "Hey Dad" he smiled then he pulled away.

Carl smiled at him and then his old eyes met North's and his smile widened, "You must be North" he said warmly.

North's tense body relaxed and smiled back at him, "Yes, I am North. It's nice to meet you" she said formally and take out her hand for Carl to shake.

Carl held North's hand and pulled her gently into a hug which took the deviant in surprise but she gladly hugged her back, "Thank you for making Markus feel" Carl whispered to her ear, pulling away he spoke again, "What a lovely lady, you're a lucky man Markus" he said making North blush at the old man's choice of words.

"I am very lucky" Markus said sweetly giving North the heart eyes making her roll her eyes with a smile.


Notes again:

I think i'll post another part for this. School just started so i'll be updating slower lmao.

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