i HATE you // [S]Convin

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Dedication to @EchoOrdels bc youre the only one who requested about Gavin lmao

Pairing: Gavin x Connor

Summary: Connor is trying to build relationship with Gavin but everything went south real quick.

Warnings: rough sex, bleeding(??), dirty talking and Gavin being an asshole.

Note: I love Gavin and I love reading rough sex. So why not combine both?


Gavin's POV

"Im certainly going to miss our bromance"

I scoffed at the sudden flashback and took a swig of my beer. This android has been on my nerve since day one, there is something about it that makes me want to punch it square in the face.

Everyone I know are now starting to warm up to the idea of treating androids equally and I'm still trying to get a hold of that idea but I'm just mostly ignoring them.

Taking another swig of my tenth beer, the bell rang indicating of someone entering made me look at the person on the door.

My bad, it's a thing.

I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance, Connor is the last person I want to see right now. I glanced away from him and asked the bartender to give me another beer. The bartender swiftly slide the beer bottle across the counter then to my hand, I thanked him and gulped down the beverage.

"Detective Reed" the android's voice rang to my ear making me groan, "I want to say sorry about our little feud back in the office and I'm sorry for knocking you out"

As he talks, I placed a cigarette in between my lips and try to find my match through my leather jacket, "Where the fuck is it?" I asked myself while patting the pockets of my clothes.

"Here" Connor said, making me look at Connor holding a lighter in his hand, I scoffed at him and snatched it away and immediately lit my cigarette, "Look, I'm trying my best to build our relationship together since we're going to be working together"

I inhaled a long drag of the cigarette and looked at Connor straight in the eyes, I moved closer to him and slowly blew the smoke on his face as i watched his eyes trail down my lips "I don't give a fuck about you and building this relation-shit" I cursed and smirked, "I know that you don't like me so get the fuck away from me" I said sternly pushing the android away from me, he stumbled back making me chuckle.

"I won't leave unless you give me a chance Detective Reed"

I looked at him in annoyance, what the fuck is his fucking problem. His stubbornness is making me hate him even more and I just want to strangle the shit out of him.

I gulped the remaining beer, slammed it on the table and left a tip and stood up from my sit. But my gaze started to spin and my feet decided to betray me today resulting for me to tumble forward and into the android as the cigarette on my lips fell to the ground. I wrapped my arm on his shoulder and I felt both his arms around me, I looked at him "The fuck are you doing? Let me go you fucktard" I snapped and removed my arm on his shoulder but his arms are still holding me up, "What the hell are you doing?" I asked trying to wiggle my way out of his hold but he didn't move.

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