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"Please don't get upset." Steve said frantically, not knowing for sure how to calm his friend down.

"I can't help it.." Ponyboy stuttered, avoiding eye contact. "I still got trouble remembering Johnny and Dally."

"I get it, Pone. You guys were best friends." He rubbed Ponyboy's arms, which were covered in goosebumps. Steve had started asking him a few questions after Pony had finished interrogating him, and he brought up Johnny, which was obviously a touchy subject. He felt stupid, and was sorry he had said anything.

"You don't get it.." Pony sighed, trying to calm down. "The two of us..we fooled around some. We kissed and cuddled and hugged. I loved him Steve I really did."

"He was your boyfriend?"

"No. We never got the chance to make it official."

Steve bit his lip. "Because he died?"

"Nope. Not even." Pony laughed, bitterly. "It was the week in the church. I had already sorta liked him, and then he said he liked me too. I was..I was so excited Steve. We did couple type stuff. I thought that maybe something good had come from it all. And then, the day before the fire, he told me that he liked Dally. That he was trying to get over him, but it was no use. I'm sure you can imagine how used I felt."

Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Oh geez..and now you're afraid to try to date again?"

"Yeah." Pony mumbled. "If we went steady I'd find out that you were just trying to get to Sodapop or something."

They both laughed lightly at that. "Ponyboy, I know that you may not believe me, but I promise I ain't trying to use you. I like you, and I have for a while. Tonight? It's a dream come true for me. I never thought I could feel this happy. And now I'm getting the opportunity to comfort you? I feel like I'm floating on air." He messed up Pony's hair, something he was getting used to doing now. "But I get that you're scared for a relationship. Especially one with me. You don't even feel like you know me."

"I think," Ponyboy smiled and took a few
breaths. "that after tonight, I feel as if we've been life long pals."

"That's the best birthday present I could ask for." Steve squeezed Pony's arm lightly and rested his head on his shoulder. "I think you should be getting home. It's late and you got school tomorrow."

"Yeah." Pony stood up and yawned. "I guess you're right." Truth is, leaving was the last thing that Steve wanted to do. He could have spent all night cuddled up next to Ponyboy. But he cared about the kid, and knew that going home would be best for him. "Will you sleep on the couch?" Pony asked. "I don't want you to sleep in your car."

Steve took one look at those big green (ish gray) eyes and new that he couldn't say no. "Course kid." Anything you want. He thought.


  "Damnit." Pony muttered under his breath as soon as they pulled into the driveway.

  "Shit." Steve cursed as well. The lights on the inside of the house were on. Darry was still up.

  "I thought he would be asleep by now." Pony bit his lip. "Please go inside with me. Maybe I won't get in as much trouble if you're with me."

  "I wouldn't just leave ya on your own." Steve sighed and got out of the car. "This is my last day of living though. Glad I got to make it to be seventeen. Your brother is gonna kill me."

  "I won't let him." Pony whispered as they walked up the steps. "Now or never I guess." He said and opened the door.

  Darry was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed, and Soda was sitting on the couch. It looked like he had been crying. "What the hell? Steve? Did you kidnap him or something? What is going on?"

  "I woke up Pony and you weren't there. I liked around the house and you were just gone. I was so worried.." Sodapop sighed.

  "Where the hell were you two?" Darry was on the verge of yelling.

  "It's my fault." Steve said quickly. "I convinced him that it would be fun to sneak out. It was completely me."

  "No it wasn't Steve, don't do that." Pony looked at his brothers. "It's his birthday. No one else remembered and I wanted to do something special so he wouldn't be alone on it. So I told him that I would sneak out tonight and we could get an ice cream and go to the park. I'm sorry..I just didn't think it would be fair for him to be completely alone, without anyone even wishing him happy birthday."

  Soda let out a silent gasp. "Oh my god I forgot." He stood up. "Steve I'm so sorry. Ah jeez I feel awful. What can I do to make it up to you?"

  "Nothing Soda. It's fine." Steve said, not meaning to sound annoyed, but it came out that way. He had never cared before that no one remembered, so why did it sting now?

  Darry rubbed his temples. "I'm sorry Steve." He turned to Ponyboy. "I get that you had good intentions, please just ask next time. I was so worried. And I couldn't call the cops, especially after the church incident." He hugged Pony tightly. "Why don't you head up to bed?"

  "Okay." Pony said slowly, and looked at Steve. "Good night."

  "Night.." Steve said as Pony and Soda walked upstairs. Soda shot him a look that said: we'll talk tomorrow, before he disappeared upstairs. Steve turned to Darry. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have, but he seemed so excited to do something for my birthday, I just couldn't say no."

  Darry sighed and shook his head. He grabbed a blanket it and a pillow and set them on the couch. "Good night. Try to get some sleep, you look exhausted." Was all he said.

  Steve took a breath a laid in the couch. He had survived the wrath of Darrel Curtis. He was worried that Pony would get in a lot of trouble, but they both escaped unscathed. He laid on the couch thinking for maybe ten minutes when he saw Pony enter the room.


  "Hey." He sat up. "What are you doing? I don't want you to get in trouble."'

  "I'll be fine. Sodas knocked out again." He laughed. "I was wondering if maybe I could sleep down here with you? I can get up before anyone else, so no one will see us." 

  Steve chuckled and patted the spot next to him. Pony quickly laid down and snuggled into his chest. "Night, kid."

  "Good night." Pony answered, but Steve knew that he was still awake. He kept tracing patterns into his chest and sighing lightly every now and then.

"There's no way you'll be ready for school tomorrow if you don't get some sleep, Ponyboy." Steve said, in a rough and tired voice.

"I'm used to not getting any sleep. I'll be fine."

Steve sighed and just nodded. "Well, I'm not. I gotta fall asleep."

"I don't mind." Pony said.

"Thanks for tonight. It really means a lot that you cared." He heard Pony mumble something, but he was already drifting off to sleep.


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