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  That night, at two a.m. exactly, Ponyboy crept downstairs as quietly as he could. He had spent an hour in the bathroom getting ready, although he wasn't sure why he cared so much about his appearance. It was still just Steve. But even though Pony knew that Steve liked him, he still couldn't help but wonder if it was simply a pity date they were going on. Oh well..a date is a date. He thought as he reached the living room.

  Steve was sitting on the couch, and stood once Pony entered the room. "You look nice," he smiled, and Ponyboy noticed yet again how much nicer Steve looked when he wasn't frowning or scowling. "You do something different to your hair?"

  "No," he said, suddenly feeling self conscious, because he had, in fact, taken his time with his hair and used the expensive bottle of grease that was saved for very special occasions. "why does it look bad or something?"

  "Just said that you looked nice, kid." Steve rolled his eyes.

Pony had to remind himself that it was still Steve he was with, and even if he wasn't a douche anymore, he was still cocky and sort of smart alec-y. "Sorry." He mumbled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Are we gonna go soon?"

  "We're leaving right now." He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and led him quietly outside to the car. "Hope you're hungry, 'cause I got plenty of money to spend on you Ponyboy." The two of them got in the car and Steve began driving.

"I'm pretty hungry." Pony smiled lightly. "You sure you don't mind paying? I brought money."

"I'm taking you out on a date, kid. I ain't gonna let you pay."

"Well that's awful nice of you."

"No need to thank me." He smiled and reached his hand out, rubbing it over Pony's hand for a few seconds, before pulling away.

  Pony bit his lip, unable to look away from the spot on his hand. The touch made his stomach feel all fluttery. He compared it to what it felt like kissing Johnny so long ago, except it felt more real now; more fiery, and he absolutely loved it. He hesitantly reached his hand out and grabbed Steve's. The older teen glanced at him for a second before squeezing his hand lightly. Ponyboy smiled and looked out the window. "I don't think I've ever been to Waffle House." He said quietly, attempting to strike up conversation. The task came a lot easier and more natural than it used to.

  "I used to come here all the time. They've got good food. I haven't been much lately though." Steve sighed causing Pony to look up at him. "When I was younger, before Soda and I started working at the DX, when my dad would kick me out I'd always go to Waffle House and do work in exchange for food. This place kept me from going hungry."

  "How old were you?"

  "Um," he thought for a few seconds as they pulled in the parking lot. "I guess I was around twelve when I started getting kicked out." He got out of the car.

  Pony got out as well and followed him, frowning. "I don't remember you coming over when you were that young."

  "I usually just slept in the lot with Johnnycake. Gosh, he was so cute when he was a kid." He chuckled.

  Pony smiled as well. "Yeah, he was."

  "You were a pretty cute kid, too." Steve said and opened the door for both of them. This time, Ponyboy blushed at the comment. He didn't like thinking about his younger self, but he was sorta flattered that Steve had thought he was cute. The two boys sat down at a table next to a window.

A waiter immediately came over and handed them menus. "Can I start y'all off with some drinks?" He asked.

"I'll have a water." Pony said.

"And I'll have one too."

The waiter nodded and turned around, leaving then to look at the menu. "So," Ponyboy looked up at Steve. "Are the waffles here actually good?"

  "I guarantee it's the best waffle you'll ever eat." Steve chuckled and put his menu down. He leaned forward slightly and looked at Pony. "Remember what I said, okay? Get whatever you'd like."

  "Thank you." He felt his cheeks redden and looked down to hide it. The waiter came over with their drinks and then asked what they wanted to eat. Steve ordered himself a plate of waffles for them to share and then let him order an extra meal along with it. Once the waiter left he fixed his eyes back on Pony. "There something on my face?" He asked, laughing lightly, but also feeling nervous.

  "Nah," Steve said. "I just like to look at you now that I can."

  "You could always look at me." He pointed out.

  "Not like this..never like this." They stayed silent for a few minutes after that. The older boy continued to watch him, as if he was taking in every single detail that he could.


  "You know I really like you." He said, ignoring Pony. "A lot. I think you're great. I like you so much more than I'm supposed to." He sighed and finally looked away. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Ponyboy swallowed, and he could feel his heart begin racing. He glanced down and saw that Steve's hand was shaking. "You okay? Do you need a smoke?"

"No," he chuckled lightly. "I'm fine.." he shook his head and looked at him. "Do you think that you and I could ever together?"

Pony's eyes widened and he bit his lip. "Um.."

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