1. Bree

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Bree's P.O.V.

I nudged Ash and pointed to Lily. "Lily's hanging around Severus again!" I said in a singsong voice.

We giggled and I started skipping. "I think she likes him more than you!" She said. I gasped and hit her arm.

"Ashlyn Catie Brooks!" I screech, hitting her arm again. "Take that back! I'm the most loveable person ever!"

I glare at her as she scoffs. "Sure you are." I roll my eyes.

"You are now receiving the silent treatment!" I exclaim, crossing my arms and pouting.

"Okay." Ash said, smirking.

We walk around in the park for a little bit and I feel my resolve breaking. I run ahead to the swings and sit on one, waiting for Ash to catch up. I sit, biting my lip, for a few minutes before giving in.

"I give up!" I yell.

"Bree! We have to go home now!" Lily said, walking over to me.

"Okay! I'll come in a moment!" I turned back to Ash. "I'll talk to you again tomorrow right?"

She nodded. "I'll call your house early tomorrow morning."

"Bye!" I yell as Lily came back and started dragging me. I waved at her erratically and she waved back.

"Bye!" I heard her yell back, laughing.

Lily dragged me home and Petunia glared at her. She turned to me and smiled, "Hello Bree."

I gave her a confused glance. "Hi?"

Petunia laughed and dragged me off to her room. "Lily's a freak Bree! Stay away from her!"

I gave her my puppy dog eyes and a pout. "But she's my twin sister!"

Petunia sighed in defeat, "fine. Just be careful."

I gave her a sweet smile. "I will 'Tunia." I love sucking up to her. She loves me now!

"Go to the kitchen Bree. Mummy said she had a letter for you."

I ran back to the kitchen. "Mummy! 'Tunia said you had a letter for me!"

Mummy nodded and handed me the letter. It looked old, with a wax seal and everything. "Lily got one too! You're a witch!"

My jaw dropped. Witch? I'm a witch? Lily's a witch? I can do magic? I CAN DO MAGIC!

I looked back at the letter. It was addressed to me, but where the address should be, it said 'the small bedroom'. How did they know that I had the smaller bedroom so that I wasn't with Lily all the time?

With a shrug, I opened it up.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Ms. Bree Evans

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed, a list of all necessary books and items.

The Term starts September 1st. Send an owl with your reply before July 31st.


Minerva Mcgonnagal (Deputy Headmistress)

I looked up at my mum. "I'm... a witch?"

She smiled at me. "Yes honey. Now, how about you go talk to Lily."

I grinned mischievously an tiptoed up the stairs. I got to Lily's room and silently cheered when the door was open and she wasn't inside. I crept in and hid in her closet, making sure not to move anything. I waited a few minutes before I heard her walk into her room. Her footsteps were getting closer to the closet. I waited until I was sure she was close, then I jumped out and yelled "LILEH!"

She screamed. I started laughing and suddenly I was being beaten by a book. "How. Dare. You. Scare. Me. Like. That!"

"Ow! Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" She didn't listen and continued hitting me with the book. "Ow! Lily! Stop!" She finally stopped and I glared at her. "Books hurt!" I pouted.

She laughed and walked over to her mirror. I followed her and looked in the mirror. We looked identical except I had piercing blue eyes and she had bright green eyes. I looked at my arm, where she kept hitting me, and noticed a dark bruise forming.

"Lily!" I whine. She looks at my arm and laughs.

"Serves you right!" I glare at her.

"I heard you're a witch." I said vaguely.

Her head snapped in my direction. "You're a witch too!" I nodded and she practically jumped on me.

"Lily! No hugs!" She slowly let go of me. "Thank you!" She smiled sheepishly. "I'm going to my room now to avoid dying!"

"Bye!" She said as I walked out.

I got to my room and closed the door. I can't believe we're witches! But what about Ash? I can't just leave her in the dark. I should tell her. But what if she freaks out? What if she hates me?

I fall asleep, still worrying about what Ash's reaction will be.

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