Chapter 1

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Bella's pic!

Annabelle P.O.V

I was driving the car at fast speed, my mind racing.
"I'm afraid of the pack's reaction..." Twiddling her fingers, Ella said absent-minded.
"I don't know, I don't want to know." I gripped hard that my knuckles turned white.

I was exhausted, I've been driving for almost half a day. " Bella, you must be tired, let me drive." Ella offered.
"No it's Ok." I smiled to reassure. "Don't argue with me." She frowned. " Alright." I parked the car on the side of the road and we exchanged places.

Once the car started moving I let sleep overtake me.

Ella P.O.V

'Was what we did right? Why couldn't they leave us alone?! Wasn't treating us terribly our whole life enough?! After all, we were the most affected ones from what happened..we've had enough!! From now on we'll only do what makes us happy.'

It was dark by now and I was tired, we reached a small town and I parked the car near a petrol station and woke Bella up "Let's find a motel to rest for the night."
After walking for 15 minutes, we found a motel. We entered and looked around. There was a beige, worn-out couch and the walls were panted yellow. There was another red sofa with an old bald man sitting on it watching TV.

I cleared my throat to get his attention "Excuse me, is there empty rooms?" I asked. He gave us a weird look, like he's suspicious of us then nodded and said "Follow me."
We walked to the counter "How long are you going to stay here?" He asked. "Just for the night." Bella replied. " 50 dollars please." I handed him the money and he gave us a key. "Goodnight." He said emotionlessly.

In our room :

"Oh god, I'm so tired I could sleep for days!" Bella said throwing herself on the bed." Seriously?! I'm the one who should say that." I joked hitting her with a pillow. "Stop! I'm tired." I groaned. "Not gonna happen." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You brought this upon yourself." Bella smirked and we started a pillow fight.

10 minutes later, we were panting and laughing "We didn't have fun for a while." I said catching my breath.
"Yeah, now let's sleep, I'm exhausted!" Bella said going under the blanket. I followed her and we fell asleep.

In the middle of the night :

"BANG!" I jumped in alarm looking around "Who's there?!"

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