Chapter 14

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Double update because you guys rock and the readers are more than 200 :D We know that's not much but we're still happy, and it'll be super awesome if you could drop a comment and tell us what you think or even favorite if you like :)

Ella P.O.V

We were laying on the bed doing nothing when an idea popped in my mind "Bella let's go swimming!" I jumped off the bed "Nice idea." she said and went to change then came back wearing a hot pink patterned one piece that showed the right side of her stomach and was connected from the left. "How do I look?" She asked "You look great." I winked at her "I will go change" I ran to my room and went to my walk in closet to search for a swimsuit after a few minutes I changed into a blue printed bikini. 'It looks good' I put on my short and a T-Shirt then went back to Bella's room. She was wearing a white short lace dress over her swimsuit and holding two beach towels, she handed me one and we went downstairs "Where are you going?" Ash asked eyeing us his eyes stopping on me and staring "We are going swimming." Bella replied and we headed to the pool leaving him standing there.

*At the pool*

We put our towels on the beach chairs then we took off our clothes and helped each other to put sunscreen on our backs . A boy with blond hair came towards us, he looked the same age as us. "Hey I'm Dean. And you? " He asked then added " I haven't seen you here before. " " I'm Ella" I waved " Bella" she greeted. "Oh you are mates of alpha Ash and beta Kyle. I didn't know how you looked like until today, and I must say, you look damn sexy." he winked. "Thanks" Bella smiled. "So we didn't see you here before too. Were you out of town?" I asked. "I was doing a job for the alpha, I just came back yesterday." he replied noddin . "How about playing some music?" he suggested "Ok" we agreed . The music started and we stared moving our bodies with it "It's fun" I smiled "Yeah it is " Bella replied . Dean joined us I was dancing when Dean came towards me grinning "Let the fun begin" I looked at him confused he lifted me up and ran to pool "No, no put me down!" I screamed  "As you wish" he grinned and I fell in the  pool with a splash, the water was warm I swam back to the surface, and saw him chasing Bella then he got her and lifted her while she was yelling at him I laughed at them *splash* he threw her in the pool with me and laughed "Dean I'm gonna kill you!" she yelled and winked at me . 'Pay back time.' I smirked . Dean looked at us "Why are you smirking?" He asked taking a step back "Attack!" I yelled we got out of the pool running after Dean "Its not fair two on one!" he yelled running and laughing . Bella and I trapped him "I'm sorry I won't do it again" he pleaded. Laughing, Bella and I tickled him then pulled him by his hands towards the pool and pushed him *splash* he fell in pool and we laughed, he swam to the surface spitting water "You are mean" he pouted we continued laughing "come help me out of the pool" he said we grabbed his hands to pull him out but he pulled us in again "Ahh!" we screamed falling into pool *splash* *splash* "You are gonna regret this." I said lunging at him "You better run." Bella said . We both lunged at him I got on his back while Bella started tickling him . "What's happening here?"a deep voice asked we stopped what we were doing and looked up to find Ash and Kyle fuming with scowls on their faces . Dean got out of the pool "I'm sorry alpha"  he bowed 'What?' I got angry and went to them "What are you sorry for? We were just having fun" I glared at Ash "He didn't do anything wrong" Bella defended .

Bella P.O.V

"Dean leave us alone" Ash ordered . He bowed and left, Kyle dragged me upstairs "Let go!" I yelled trying to get my hand out of his strong grip . He tightened his grip ignoring me untill we reached our room he let go of my hand and closed the door . I rubbed my red wrist as he moved towards me, I took a step back, my back hitting the wall. His eyes were dark with desire making me hold my breath, he took my hand in his and kissed my red wrist without taking his eyes off mine. Then he caressed my cheek and his face came closer, his hot breath fanning my neck "I didn't like seeing you near Dean" he whispered huskily kissing my neck "I was fuming," he caressed my back "my wolf wanted to snap his neck." he nipped and sucked at my neck, I bit my lip trying not to let a moan escape my lips . He pulled away and gazed at my body, I felt conscious about myself all of a sudden , he licked his lips "Damn, you look so sexy that I want to ravish you." He crashed his lips against mine and nipped my bottom lip asking for entrance, my mind was screaming at me that he is just toying with me and to push him away but my body had a mind of it's own.

I granted his wish and opened my mouth his tongue roamed my mouth. I moaned he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso, He headed to our bed without breaking the kiss and laid me down kissing my neck, his lips moving down kissing my shoulder then he kissed my stomach while his hands were roaming my body .  He kissed me on the lips then pulled away sitting cross legged 'I knew he was just toying with me' I was hurt, I wanted to cry . I felt Kyle lift my chin then he looked at me in the eyes and pulled me to his chest " I'm not playing with you , I stopped because if I didn't I would have took you then and there, I wouldn't be able to control myself if I continued" he said running his hand through my hair . I looked up at him with teary eyes his eyes were honest and I knew he was saying the truth. I hugged him "I've decided to take things slowly." he said I looked at him confused. "Let's go on a date" he suggested, I smiled "Yes." he smiled back and hugged me tighter. "Go take a shower and change into something warm" he kissed my cheek .

Ella P.O.V

Kyle dragged Bella upstairs leaving me alone with Ash "What the hell was that just now?" Ash glared, "Why were you on Dean's back?!" I ignored him and went to dry myself with the towels we brought with us. "Are you listening to me?!" He yelled moving closer to me "What do you want?" I said emotionlessly. He came towards me, leaned closer to my face, I thought he was going to kiss me, but he brought his lips beside my ear "I want you." He whispered in a deep voice, sending shivers down my spine. My eyes widened then, in a flash, he was kissing me deeply and pinning me to the beach seat. He broke the kiss moving to my neck, then to my collarbone, kissing and bitting. I moaned unable to control myself, his hands were everywhere touching me sensually. His hand moved from my stomach, going higher and higher till it reached just underneath my bra. I woke up from my trance "Stop!" I said pushing him away. "I-" "Fine!" He left, slamming the door behind him angrily.

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