Chapter 17

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Bella P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the alarm , I stretched my hand to turn it off but I couldn't reach it , Kyle was hugging me from behind. It made a loud annoying noise "Turn it off." Kyle groaned . "I can't while you are holding me like that." I said irritated by the noise "Fine" he removed his hands. I turned it off and got off the bed "Where are you going?" Kyle grabbed my hand "To get dressed" I replied, he pulled me making me fall on his chest "Kyle!" I groaned . "Just five more minutes." he said kissing my nose "Alright." I said getting off his chest "Don't move, stay like this." he said huskily, I nodded and laid my head on his chest .

I opened my eyelids looking around 'Huh? What time is it?' My eyes fell on the clock, I gasped 'Omg' I jumped off Kyle's chest running to the bathroom . I did my usual routine , and got dressed *knock knock* "Bella! Your English tutor, Mr John has been waiting." Ella informed me "Coming!" I said putting my hair in a high ponytail. I went downstairs "Sorry sir I overslept" I apologized. "It's ok let's start our lesson" he replied.

"We are finished for today." Mr John said getting up "And for your homework, do page 20 ,22 and 27" he informed and left. I let out a big sigh "You look tired." Kyle hugged me from behind kissing my shoulder "I'm ok" I replied leaning my head on his chest. "How about going out to change the mood?" Kyle suggested . "Great. I will go change" I replied going upstairs "Ok I will tell Ash and Ella".

*At the mall*

Ella P.O.V

"I'm so hungry let's eat first" I grabbed Ash's hand and dragged him to the food court Bella and Kyle following us. We ordered our food and sat chatting "It's a lame joke." I said laughing while Kyle pouted "No it was good" "Yeah right." I rolled my eyes. I was laughing when something caught my eyes 'Is that Max?' the name rung in my head, he looked at me and smirked making me pale. I shook Bella's hand "What?!" She asked irritated that I cut her conversation with Kyle "Max is here." I whispered "What?!" She yelled. The boys looked at us "Is there something wrong?" Ash asked concerned . "N-no it's nothing" I smiled to reassure him, he turned and continued his chat with Kyle . "Sorry." Bella apologized whispering "It's fine." I replied "Where is he?" She asked . "He is sitting on the table next to us." I said looking at my hands "The table is empty" Bella said "What?!" It was my turn to yell gaing a few glares from the people around us I sank in my seat "but I saw him" I mumbled "Elle it's your imagination" she said holding my hand "we are here to have fun so don't think about it." she smiled at me "Ok" I said sipping my Pepsi .

*At the store*

"This looks better" I said pointing to the rose dress in Bella's left hand "Ok I will go try it on." she said heading to changing rooms . "Are you finished? " Ash hugged me from behind "Bella is trying on the dress." I told him leaning in his warmth closing my eyes. "What do you think?" Bella asked I opened my eyes and all the blood drained from my face Max was looking at me with his piercing eyes. "Hey Elle!" Bella waved her hand in front of my face "What's with you? I have been calling your name for some time " she said crossing her arms frowning . "Uh - sorry, I think I'm tired" I replied . "I will pay for the dress then we will head home" she left to the changing rooms . " Are you ok?" Ash asked concerned " I -" I couldn't complete my sentence Max was standing near the cashier paying for something then he turned his head to my direction, winked and left . 'It can't be my imagination ' I felt dizzy then everything went black.

*At the mansion*

"Ella" I heard Ash's voice calling my name I opened my eyes and looked around Bella, Kyle and Ash were looking at me smiling "I'm happy you are alright" Bella hugged me chocking me "can't breathe" I said "Oh sorry" she smiled sheepishly "you have to rest and if you need anything just call me" Ash kissed my cheek and left taking Kyle with him ."What happened?" Bella asked "Shh" I made sure that I couldn't hear their footsteps "Max is here" I said "Elle, you are just tired and imaging things he is dead" she said "I'm not imagining things! I saw him again in the store while you were in the changing room . His eyes were full of anger" I sobbed. "I'm sorry" she hugged me "Everything is gonna be ok" she said rubbing my back .

"I will leave you to rest" Bella said leaving. I put my head on the pilllow falling asleep.

*Ring ring* I opened my eyelids 'who's that?' I tried to reach the phone *ring* I groaned getting up


"Hey love did you miss me?"

I gasped "M-max" I stuttered

"It's good you still remember me"

"W-what do you want?" I asked panicking.

"You were always straight to the point but that's what I like about you."

"Just tell me what do you want!" I raised my voice angrily.

"Come meet me at the park that's near your school at 8" he ordered .

"And if I didn't come" I gulped

"You will come" he hung up .

'What to do?' I ran into Bella's room without knocking to find her on top of Kyle making out "Ahem" I cleared my throat but they didn't acknowledge my presence "Bella!" I yelled. They jumped startled, knocking their foreheads' "Ouch" Bella rubbed her forehead "What's wrong with you?"She questioned "I want her for a minute " I dragged her to my room. "What's with you?" She asked yanking her hand from my grip "Max called me" I told her closing the door "what?!" She yelled "what did he say?" She sat with me on the bed . I told her what he said "Don't go, he can't do anything to you." she said . " but I'm still worried " I told her running my hand through my hair "Everything is gonna be ok" she reassured me . " ok" I sighed.

*An hour later*

Bella and I were sitting in mine and Ash's room, watching tv when we heard loud noises and cries. "What's going on?" I wondered. "Let's go see." Bella said getting up. We opened the door to find the maids running back and forth "Hey!" I called out to a maid. "Yes, miss?" She came closer. "What's happening?" Bella asked. "A child has been killed outside the mansion." The maid said worriedly. We gasped "I have to go." The maid bowed quickly and left. "Omg, I'm sure it's Max. What are we going to do?" I asked hysterically. "Ella! Calm down, we'll think of something." Bella said shaking me "I was going to head downstairs when Bella stopped me "No don't." she said "It's my fault!" I cried. "Elle just calm down" she lead me inside the room, shutting the door.

Then, my phone rang again. "It's Max." I said seeing the familiar number. "Answer and put the phone on speaker." Bella said. I did so "Hey darling. Did you like my present?" He said teasingly. "The second time you don't obey me, I'll do something worse." His voice darkened as he threatened me. "What do you want from me?!" I yelled, tears escaping my eyes. "I want you, my love." He said ending the call.

I broke down crying "Why? Why now? After finally being happy!" I cried, Bella holding me, whispering in my ear that it's going to be okay.

Ash P.O.V

*knock* "Come in." I said, doing some paperwork. "Alpha, may I tell you something?" The maid that came in asked. I gave her my attention, "What is it," I saw her nameplate, it was Alex "Alex?" "There was a child killed outside the mansion." She said. "What?!" I yelled, slamming my hand on the desk. "That's not all, sir. I overheard, not intentional I swear, your mate, Ella talking on the phone with someone, he told her that if she doesn't obey him he'll do more. I think he's the one who killed the child." The maid informed me. I sighed rubbing my forehead "Thank you, you can go." I told her, she bowed and left.

I got out of the office hearing crying and sobbing . I headed to the place where the sobbing came from to see Amber, one of the pack members hugging her son's lifeless body crying ." He was a child what did he do to deserve this!" she sobbed her mate, Nate hugging her trying to be strong. I went to her and bent down "I will find who did this and I swear he will be punished." I said strictly .

I got up and went to Ella's room. "Ella." I called after entering. "Ash, what is it?" She looked up at me. "What were you doing?" I asked. "Bella was here, we watched tv together. Why?" She asked confused. "Who were you talking to on the phone?"

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