Chapter 16

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Ella P.O.V

I got out of the bathroom after taking a shower and wore pink pants, an off white blouse and put a tiger printed scarf over it. I put light make up leaving my hair down. "Where are you going?" Ash asked upon entering the room. "Shopping." I replied, applying hot pink lipstick. "I'll go with you." He said. I turned my head, looking at him 'I said I'll give him a chance, here goes.' "Alright, I'll wait for you downstairs." I said exiting the room.

* 10 minutes later *

"Let's go." Ash said heading to the door and opening it for me. "Thanks." I got out and he closed the door behind us. We got in his car "So, what do you want to buy?" He asked. I looked at him, "Clothes and such." I replied. It was silent for a while "How about we play the questions game?" He suggested. I chuckled slightly "You mean twenty questions?" "Yeah, that." He said sheepishly. "Ok, you start." I said "Why do you keep rejecting me?" He asked. "I- umm." I tried to think of something, I didn't want to talk about Max with him yet. "Tell me the truth, please." He said. I sighed "I had a bad experience in the past." I looked away. "What bad experience?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it." I said frowning. "We're here." He announced, saying nothing else about Max.

We were walking in the mall, People, especially girls, were whispering and pointing at us 'Isn't that the Alpha?' 'Yeah, it's him. Is that his mate.' 'Look at her, she's not suited to be his mate.''I would've been a better mate.' 'No, I'm the only one suitable for the Alpha.'

"Don't mind them." Ash whispered in my ear grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I blushed slightly, sure we kissed before but it was the first time I held his hand. "Alpha Ash? Can I take a picture with you?" A girl that looked no older then me said sweetly, twisting a lock of blonde hair between her fingers. "Ok." He agreed. "Here, take our picture." She thrusted her phone at me. 'Why do I want to smash her head to a wall?!' "Sure." I smiled a sugary smile, taking their picture then deleting it. "Here," I gave her the phone back "let's go Ash." I grabbed his hand, dragging him to the elevators.

"Hahaha." Ash laughed once we entered the elevator, "what are you laughing at?" I huffed crossing my arms. "You. Hahaha." "Stop it!" I said, not meaning it at all 'I love his laugh, I want to hear it everyday' I smiled slightly 'No, where did that thought come from?' I frowned. *ting* the elevator rang signaling that we arrived. "Come on." He grabbed my hand again leading me to the stores.

*At a store*

"Hello, we'd like to have some outfits for Ella here." Ash told the shop assistant. She looked up, her eyes widened and she got up quickly bowing "Welcome, alpha. Please follow me." We went with her, I chose some clothes and went to try them on. I wore the outfit, checking myself in the mirror 'I look nice.' I got out to show it to Ash when I saw him talking and laughing with a group of girls, I felt my face heating up and I went to him "Ahem!" I cleared my throat looking at them angrily "Ella! This looks great on you." He smiled, my anger died down a little "Aren't you going to introduce me?" I said gesturing to the girls. "Oh, you're the alpha's mate?" The girl looked at me up and down "Nice to meet you." She said with a definitely not friendly look. "Ash, let's go, I'm tired." I said ignoring the girl "Alright, change and we'll go." Ash smirked. I changed and we got out buying the clothes. "Was that jealousy I saw?" Ash asked teasingly. "Me? Jealous? You wish!" I rolled my eyes looking the other way. "Hahaha." He laughed again. 'You brought it upon yourself, Ash.' I smirked inwardly. "Ash, let's go to Victoria's Secret. I wanted underwear too." I said. "I'll wait for you at the food court then." He said "No, I need someone to help me choose." I looked at him innocently, he gulped. "Fine."

*At Victoria's Secret*

"Ash, look at this." I showed him a black laced bra with a matching thong "Do you think it'll look good on me?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Uhh- yeah! Try it on, I mean buy it! It's nice." He said nervous. "Ok, I'll go try it on." I went to the changing rooms, smirking. I removed my top, trying on the new bra, then suddenly the door opened. I was about to scream but Ash put his hand on my mouth. "Shh it's me." He said hoarsely, looking at me with lust filled eyes. "Get ou-" I was about to yell when he kissed me, I gasped shocked and his tongue entered my mouth, exploring all of it. I moaned and he broke the kiss moving to my neck and bitting it while caressing my stomach "Wa-ahh, A-Aash." I tried stopping him "I can't wait anymore." He said lustfully, claiming my lips one more time 'I can't resist him.' I thought before my mind went blank from pleasure. His hand went up to my breast massaging it through the fabric, while the other went to my back, opening my bra clasp. Cold air attacked my breasts making my nipples perk, I covered them, blushing. "Don't hide your beauty from me." He kissed me softly removing my hands. He took one of my nipples, sucking it and licking. He was everywhere, kissing, caressing and bitting, leaving few marks here and there.

*knock* someone suddenly knocked on the door, "Miss, you've been there for so long, the customers are saying that there are noises, are you okay?" The shop assistant asked. "Y-yeah." I replied my voice shaking. I wore my clothes quickly, Ash helping me. I opened the door to find some people standing, I got out, Ash following behind me. The people gasped and started whispering, my face burned red, I was so embarrassed 'How could I be so careless?!' "Can you move?" Ash glared at the people before taking my hand and getting out of the store.

*Outside the mall*

"I can't believe we did that!" I yelled covering my red face with my hand. "That was thrilling." Ash said grinning. "Let's do it again sometime." He winked at me smirking. "Shut up!" I cried my face turning more red. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed." Ash said pinching my red cheeks. "I think I won't be able to ever show my face at this mall." I whined and Ash laughed at me.

We got inside the car and drove back to the mansion.

Bella P.O.V

I was sitting with Kyle in the living room, watching a movie and eating popcorn while cuddling, when the door opened "Did you see the people's faces when we got out? Priceless! Haha." Ash laughed. "It was horrible!" Ella yelled. "Hey love birds! How was your date?" I winked at them. They sat with us "Great!""Bad." They said at the same time "And besides, it wasn't a date, we just went shopping." Ella said. "Yeah, keep denying it." I rolled my eyes, snuggling in Kyle's arms, he pulled me closer kissing the top of my head. "You guys are so in love." Ella teased. "You're just jealous." I stuck my tongues out at her. She laughed "I'll go change." She got up "Me too." Ash followed her "Ella!" I called "Yeah?" "Show me what you bought later, Ok?" I winked at her. Translation : tell me all about it later. "Sure." She laughed understanding what I meant. "So where were we before being rudely interrupted?" Kyle smirked kissing me and all thoughts vanished from my head.

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