Chapter 5

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It was the summer vacation, Bella's family was visiting us that day. We went to play in my room while our family were talking and enjoying themselves in the backyard, suddenly the light went off so I headed to the kitchen to bring a candle, Bella following me.

"Search for the matches." I told bella "Ok " *rusling* "Found them!" Bella exclaimed lighting the candle "Wooo~" she said laughing, acting as if she was a ghost. " Hahaha." I giggled running out of kitchen, and tripping on the carpet "Ahh!" I fell on the floor "Ella! Are you Ok?" Bella asked worried "I think my ankle is sprained " I said rubbing my ankle. "Omg!" Bella's eyes widened "What?!" I asked confused " The curtains are on fire!" She yelled pulling me up. We tried to put the fire off but we failed and the whole living room became on fire

"What's happening here?" Mum came in, the rest of our family following her "Girls! Get out of the house, now!" mum yelled. I ran towards the bedroom "Where are you going?!" Bella asked following me upstairs. "I have to get my locket." I told her searching my drawers "Found it!" I hugged it to my chest "Girls come we have to get out of here!" Bella's mum exclaimed. We ran downstairs, but the chandelier fell on Bella's mum "Ahhh!" I don't know which one of us screamed, it was horrifying. she laid there not moving "Mum please get up." Bella pleaded cying beside her "Auntie get up!" I cried. She opened her eyes " d-don't worry about m-me *cough* j-just get out of here *cough* go quickly" She fell unconscious. "Mommy! Don't leave me alone!" Bella cried hysterically.
"Girls get out now!" Dad yelled at us ." B-but ..." "Get out! We will help Rose. Go get some help!" W ran out and I called 911 "P-please help us our house is burning! "I informed the man on the phone, tears staining my face.

Almost the whole pack was outside our house while the firefighters were putting out the fire, we tried to get in but they stopped us. Our parents bodies were being carried on stretchers we dashed to their side crying. My mom stroked my cheeck"St-ick together, be con-fident, you are strong. " that was her last words before she died "H-huh , mum wake up wake up come on open your eyes!!" I wailed shaking her hand.

"And that's what aplha George meant by killing some pack members..."Ella said finishing her story. "How old were you?" I questioned." We were ten years old." She answered.

'How dare he blame our mate for something like that?!' My wolf was angry
'That guy is mentally retarded.' Kyle said through the physic link. 'I won't hand them to him.' I informed Kyle. 'Then what are we going to do with them?' 'I think 5 days is enough, after all they're our mates.' I said. 'W-' Kyle physic link was cut off when I felt an electric shock caused by Ella shaking my shoulder.

I yanked her towards me, a few centimeters separating our faces, I stared at her pink, plump lips. Her scent was making my wolf go crazy, he was howling at me to claim her.

"Ehem ehem." Kyle cleared his throat. Ella pulled her arm from my grasp, blushing furiously and avoiding my gaze. "Ehem Kyle, let's go." I got up hurriedly "Kyle, you coming or what?" I asked waiting outside the cell impatiently for him. "Coming." He smirked and walked at a more leisure pace getting out of the cell.

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