Chapter 9

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Ash P.O.V

I hugged Ella closer to me 'I wish she'd love me like I do' 'Me too' my wolf sighed. I felt her stir then her eyes opened, when she saw my face she seemed shocked for a second then she blushed "Good morning baby." I kissed her cute little nose . "Morning." she replied trying to get out of my hold "Ash I have school today it's my first day, I don't want to be late." she said looking to me in the eyes "Fine." I said giving her a small peck on her lips making her blush then she jumped out of bed heading to the bathroom.

Bella P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the shower. I got up and walked into my walk in closet searching for something to wear for my first day for school . I decided to wear a pink flowery dress that reached mid thighs. I turned around to find myself face to face with Kyle whose hair was wet , water dripping on his chest running down his abs 'those delicious abs' "Like what you see" he smirked . I blushed then hid it "Jerk" I passed by him but he stopped me by hugging me from behind wetting my pj "Kyle you are making me wet " I protested "Really?How wet ?" I felt him smirk "Y-you jerk let me go! " I struggled trying to get out of his hold brushing myself against him down there accidently in the process . I gasped tensing up and he stopped in his place his breath becoming heavy . I quickly pulled away from him and ran to the bathroom

'Omg I feel my heart pounding in my chest so loudly and my ears are so red' I did my usual rotiune showered,  brushed my teeth and got dressed brushing my hair leaving it down my back . " Bella you are going to be late for school" Kyle shouted on other side of the door "coming" I shouted back 'think about it as if nothing happened' I told myself taking a deep breath 'let's go' I went downstairs to find Ella wearing a white skirt with black patterns and an off white shirt, her cheeks red because of Ash hugging her from behind resting his head on her shoulder 'they look cute' "Good morning love birds" I winked at them "Bella!" Ella yelled at me her cheeks getting more red "Morning" Ash smiled . "Let's go or you will be late for school" Kyle said without looking at me 'What's with him?'

*10 minutes later*

"We are here." Kyle announced "Thanks for the ride" Ella said getting out of the car . "You're welcome" he smiled at her "Are you going to pick us up?" I asked "Yeah." he replied averting his gaze away from me and left . 'Why is he treating me like that?' I frowned "Bella what's wrong? " Ella asked concerned "Nothing" I lied "Bella!" She looked at me in the eyes 'I can't lie to her she knows me too well' I told her everything "I feel like he hates me." I told her sadly "Of course not. Do y-" a boy ran into her Knocking her off her feet.

"I'm sorry I was in a hurry" the boy apologized and helped her up "It's ok." she replied adjusting her clothes."I'm Chase. " he introduced himself "I'm Ella and this is Bella." Ella introduced "Hey." I waved "Hi." he smiled. "Why were you in a hurry ?" Elle asked "I was going to get my schedule, I'm a transfer student." "We are too" I said "How about heading there together ?" He suggested . "Sure" I replied smiling

*At the secretary office*

Chace knocked then we entered "good morning how can I help you?" A lady in her early forties was sitting on the desk welcomed us . "We are new students." Ella informed her "Ah ok. Your names?" She asked. "Bella, Ella and Chase." she handed us our schedules "Have a nice day." she said "Thanks." we left the office "Let me see your schedules" we handed him our schedules " we have all the lessons together except for Maths and English" he said "Good" I smiled "So our first lesson is biology " I informed them "I hate biology Chase pouted "C'mon" Ella dragged him to our first class . The day went on quickly and now we were waiting for Kyle to come and pick us "Hey would you like me to give you a ride?" Luke, our new friend, offered "No thanks." I replied . "Ok bye see you tomorrow." he waved leaving. "Wait."he came back "What?"I asked "I need your number" "Uh oh I don't have a mobile phone "I said "What? how?" He asked "We've moved here recently so we are settling things first then we will buy what we need"Ella replied "Mmm ok instead give me your home number " he said "Eh we don't know it" I said "but I will bring it and give it to you tomorrow." I added quickly . "Fine bye" he waved at us and left "Phew we need to buy new mobile phones instead of the ones we threw away" Ella said "Yeah."

We heard a car horn "Sorry for being late." He apologized. "It's alright." Ella said. "How was your first day?" Kyle questioned. "Good." Ella replied nudging me. 'What?' I mouthed to her, she rolled her eyes at me. The whole ride was silent.

Meanwhile in Ash's office, Ash P.O.V

"The Luke guy is the partner of Bella and Chase is the partner of Ella in biology." Zach reported. "Investigate them immediately." I ordered. "Yes alpha." "You can go." I dismissed them. They bowed and left.

Bella P.O.V

'That jerk! I'm the one that should be mad at him.' I got out of the car slamming the door behind me. "My car!" He yelled "Love, did she harm you?" He caressed the car. I rolled my eyes "Suits you right!" I yelled entering the mansion, Ella followed me laughing.

Kyle P.O.V

I went to the backyard and laid on the grass thinking. "Why are you treating our mate like that?" He asked angry. "She isn't our mate."I replied. "You're in denial." He said "For the last time, our only mate was Jasmine and she's dead." I said frustrated. "With the way you're treating her she's gonna run into some other guy's arms." He warned. "Whatever." "Suit yourself." My wolf left.

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