Chapter 11

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Bella P.O.V

After Ella and Ash went to their room, we stood in awkward silence, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. *Ring ring* suddenly, the telephone rang. I went and answered it relieved that something cut the tension "Hello?" "Hey, Bella?"
"Hey Luke, yes that's me. What is it?"
"You dropped your bff necklace in my car, I'm outside come take it."
"Ok, I'm coming."
I put the handset and was heading out "Who was that and where are you going?" Kyle asked sternly. "To Luke." His eyes widened in anger but I ignored him and went out.

"Hi Luke!" I waved when I saw him in the garden in front of the mansion. "Hey, here's the necklace." He gave me my bff necklace. "Oh thank you!" I said taking it from him but he moved his hand away "Hey! Give it to me!" I said trying to take it but he was taller so I couldn't, I huffed crossing my arms. He laughed at my antics.
"Let me put it on you." He said "Okay." I turned around moving my hair to the side. He put the necklace on me then turned me around and slammed his lips on mine. My eyes widened and I didn't know what to do so I just stood in my place.

Kyle P.O.V

"To Luke." She said and I felt my anger rising. I decided to go after her to see this Luke guy. I went out and saw her waving and hugging him in greeting. Then he seemed to be teasing her and laughing 'That bastard, she's mine! I'm the only one that can tease her!' I tried to control my anger but I didn't think I could hold it in for long. Bella turned around and the Luke guy put a necklace on her, then he grabbed her and kissed her! 'That bastard Dared to kiss my mate?! I'll kill him!' I was blinded by fury, I ran to them, moved Bella away "K-Kyle?" And punched his jaw with full force, he fell to the ground holding his jaw and spitting blood. "*gasp* Kyle what are you doing?!" Bella asked worried, she went to Luke's side "Are you okay?" "Ye-yeah." He replied.
Then he got up meaning to punch me but I evaded and punched him in the face again. He groaned in pain holding his now bleeding nose "Kyle! Stop that! You'll kill him!" Bella said holding me back. I grabbed her arm and took her inside forcefully leaving Luke in the garden.

"What have you done?! Let me go, I want to check on Luke!" Bella yelled trying to get her hand out of my hold. "What the fuck do you think you were doing?! Are you insane?! How could you kiss him like that! You. Are. Mine. You're MY mate, you kiss only me, you love only me and you check, on me only!!" I slammed my lips on hers, kissing her roughly. Then it dawned on me what I just said, I said that she was my mate, did I accept her? But I love Jasmine, I can't be with anyone else. I pulled away "Forget what I said." I said hesitating, I don't want to hurt her, I care about her too. Suddenly, I felt Bella slapping me "Jerk!" She ran to our room "Hey, wait!" I ran after her 'Shit, what have I done?!' But the door was locked "Bella, open the door!" I knocked. "No! Go sleep on the couch, I hate you!" She yelled back, I heard sniffs 'Look what you did? She's crying because of you, because you can't let go of the past and just accept her!' 'What should I do?' I laid on the couch thinking about what to do...

Ella P.O.V

I woke up to find myself sleeping on the couch I took my blanket and pillow and headed towards Bella's room 'I don't want to see his face today' I groaned knocking "Come in." I opened the door. Bella was sitting in front of the mirror wearing a white dress with an olive jacket over it and brown combat boots, applying cherry lipstick. "What's wrong with you? " She asked turning around "I will tell you later can you lend one of your outfits?" I asked "Sure but why?" "I don't want to see Ash today." she went to fetch me an outfit "Is this ok?" she held a soft orange skirt, a white shirt and a grey jacket "Yeah it's fine." I changed into it "Bella let's take the bus today." I told her . "Wh- ..ah ok" she replied "Thanks" I hugged her tightly "Can't b-breath." "Sorry." I smiled sheepishly. "It's ok."she smiled.

We headed downstairs "Let's hurry." I said dragging her out of the mansion . "Could you tell me what's wrong with you now?" "Ok" I said . During the bus ride I told her what Ash did to me yesterday."That jerk! I'm gonna show him what happens to those who try to hurt my bestie." Bella said with fury in her eyes. "So how are you doing with Kyle" I asked "We had a fight last night." she sighed rubbing her forehead and told me all about it.

*At school*

We entered school "Hey." Luke greeted hugging us "Hi." we hugged him back "Where is Chase?" I asked ." I'm here." Chase popped from behind us suddenly, scaring us. "Chase I'm gonna get you for this" I yelled running after him .

Bella P.O.V

Luke and I laughed at them, then I turned to him "I'm sorry for what happened last night." I apologized ."It's ok" he smiled "No really I-" "Shh." he put his finger on my lips "I told you its fine."
I smiled at him "Let's hurry before the bell rings." we headed to our classes .

The day went on and now we were sitting in cafeteria having our lunch "I don't want to go home" Ella groaned "Me too" I said taking a bite from my sandwich . "You can stay at our home" Luke offered "Really? thanks." Ella said . "But I'm afraid we will cau-" I was cut off by Chase "You will stay with us and that's final." . "How about skipping school?" Luke suggested . "But we will get in trouble" I said "Its just once, nothing will happen." Chase replied "Fine."

*At the boys house*

"Come in." Chase said "Wow" I said looking around "it's a mansion not a house " Ella said . We sat in the living room "So what would you like to do?" Luke asked sitting on the love seat "I don't know "Ella shrugged sitting beside me on the couch." Let's watch movies." Chase suggested "Ok good".

We watched movies untill late at night . Ella and I was laying on the couch half asleep while the boys left to arrange rooms for us . A few minutes later they came down with a third figure standing in the shadows "At last, I got my hands on you."

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