Chapter 10

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Kyle P.O.V

*next day*

I woke up and looked around "Huh? how did I get in bed?" Then I remembered Bella waking me up and taking me upstairs 'what should I do to her?' "Good morning" Bella greeted I looked up and found her in that short towel, I felt myself getting hard just by seeing her in this short towel . She came back fully clothed, thankfully. " I will prepare breakfast go shower and come downstairs" she said closing the door after her . 'Why is she so calm?'

Ash P.O.V

We were having breakfast that the girls prepared "It tastes good " I complimented "Thanks" they said at the same time.

"How about going out today?" I asked "Sorry we can't we are going to work on our biology project with Luke and Chase after school " Ella replied taking a bite of her pancake . I growled inwardly  "Good morning." Kyle greeted taking a seat next to me ."Morning" we replied . "I will give the girls a ride today to school" I informed "Ok" . Five minutes later we finished our breakfast "Let's go" I said getting up.

*In front of the school*

"Thanks for the ride!" Bella said getting out "Bye" Ella said getting out too but I stopped her and kissed her deeply, she tried to pull away but I held her tightly to my chest " Ash! S-st mmph" She said between kisses. I moved to her neck kissing it and giving her some bite marks. She bit her lip trying not to moan then I licked her bottom lip my tounge entered her mouth exploring it . She bit my tongue "Aww!"  then pushed me away "What's gotten into you?" She yelled angry getting out of the car. 'Mission complete, now everyone will know she belongs to someone' I smiled and left .

Ella P.O.V

'That jerk! Must he kiss me in school grounds?' I was late for my English class so I ran towards it " Miss Ella, why were you late to class?" Mr Adam asked looking at me with his stern eyes "I'm sorry sir It won't happen again " I apologized "I won't give you detention because this is your first time " Mr Adam said smiling at me "Thank you sir" I smiled and ran to my seat . "Elle what's that on your neck?" Bella whispered "Huh? What's on my neck?" I whispered back ."Omg! " Bella yelled out loud  "Miss Bella, can you share with us why you were shouting just now?" Mr Adam said sternly "I-im sorry." Bella said "Detention." he said completing the lesson "Shit." Bella mumbled "Btw it's a love bite." she smirked, I gasped "That jerk." I mumbled.

"Teacher! Can I go to the toilet?" I went to the teacher. "Yes, here." He gave me a slip and I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror finding a purplish spot on my neck. "What the- I have to cover this up!" I brought my make up bag and began covering it up as best as I could "That should do it." I put some of my hair on it to be completely covered and headed out to class.

*After school*

"I have to go to detention, this sucks." Bella complained putting her notebooks in her bag. "I'll tell Chase and Luke, and wait for you outside." I told her "Alright see ya." She said going to detention.

"Hey Chase, Luke." I greeted when I saw them in front of the entrance waiting for us. "Hey, where's Bella?" Luke asked. "She has detention." I replied. "You're coming to our house to do the project right?" I asked. "Nah, let's do it some other day. How about going out today?" Chase suggested. "You're hopeless." I rolled my eyes "Alright, let's wait for Bella then go." I said.

*An hour later*

"Hey guys, I'm back!" Bella waved coming towards us. "Finally! Now let's go." Chase said leading the way "Where are we going?" She asked "To the mall." Luke replied. "Huh? What about the project?" She asked confused "Forget the project and let's have fun." Chase said jumping inside their car, we got inside the car in a calmer way and drove to the mall.

Ash P.O.V

"It's 9 now and they don't have mobile phones so we could call them, how can a project take all this time?" I asked angry "Bring me Zach." I told Kyle a few minutes later he returned with Zach "When was the last time you saw our mates? You told me they got in the car with those guys, right?" I questioned "Yes, they did." "Didn't you hear them talk about where they were going?" I questioned "No alpha, all I know that they were going to do there project after Bella finishes her detention." Zach replied "What? She got detention? What did she do?" Kyle asked." Is daddy worried about his little girl?" I asked laughing "Ash!" He growled, I laughed and then turned to Zach "You can go." I told Zach he bowed and left . We sat silently waiting for them, after half an hour a servant came in informing us that our mates have arrived ."Let's go " Kyle said heading out of the living room with me following him.

Ella P.O.V

"We really had fun today thanks." Bella said "Thanks for the bff necklaces." I hugged the boys "Bye" we said entering the mansion 'I still can't call it our home' "why were you late?" Ash asked standing in front of us folding his hands "Does a biology project take all this time?" Kyle said also standing in front of us " a..uh actually we didn't do it yet." I replied making their eyes widen "What?! Then what were you doing till 9:30pm with those guys?" Ash growled "We went to the mall." Bella replied "How can you go out with some guys you just met at school ?!"Kyle asked getting angry too "Don't talk about them like that, they're our friends." I defended  "You shouldn't trust people so easily." Kyle said raising his voice "You aren't our parents to tell us what to do." Bella replied her face becoming red from anger . "You are our mates and you have to listen to us, you won't go out with those boys again!"Ash yelled at us . "We will go out with whoever we like!" I replied heading to my room, Ash following me . I opened the bedroom door went to walk in cloest got my pyjama and headed to bathroom but Ash stepped infront of me "Let me pass." I tried to pull him out of my way but he didn't move "Ash get out of my way!" I shouted at him "No" he replied  "ok i will change in another place" I turned around to leave but he pulled me back making my back collide with his chest "Ash! Let me go " I yelled frustrated . He kissed my neck then "Where is my mark?" He asked "I hid it, I won't be walking with a hickey on my neck." I replied " I don't want you to hide it, I want everyone to know that you are mine." he said "I'm not a dog!" I replied trying to pull away "Who gave you this?" He asked touching the necklace "The boys gave it to us." I said." Take it off." he ordered .I turned around my face inches away from his "No I won't, it's a symbol of our friendship" I replied . He snatched the necklace from my neck "how c-"he kissed me roughly lifting me up and walking towards our bed "Let go" I yelled hitting his chest . he continued kissing me while taking my top off I started panicking and crying then I felt him pull away and looked at me "Omg what did I do ? Elle love please forgive me I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rough like that. " I ignored his words putting my top on and running to the living room, I placed the blanket and pillow on the sofa then laid down crying myself to sleep.

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