Chapter 4

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That's Kyle, enjoy :)

Kyle P.O.V

I slammed my bedrooms door shut and laid on my bed, grabbing jasmin's photo frame from the nightstand. My fingertips brushed the photo lightly 'I miss you, why did you leave me alone?! It's unfair.'

Flashback :

Jasmin's body laid on the floor , she was covered in her own blood . I ran towards her "Jasmine! Hang in there!" She raised her hand stroking my cheek "I'm sorry I c-couldn't keep my pr-omise." Jasmine said coughing blood. "Shhh don't talk, everything is going to be Ok, the doctor's on his way." I said trying to hold my tears back.
"I-I know it will b-e hard for you,*cough* but you have to live a-and be happy." She smiled at me weakly. "No! My happiness is only with you!" I said panicking. "You'll find your happiness soon." She said taking her last breath.
"JASMINE!" I felt pain in my chest, I don't know how long I kept holding her "Kyle, you have to let go." My big brother Ash said . " No " I embraced her tighter to me . "Kyle get up " Ash pulled me awy from Jasmine . "Ash let go of me " I yelled at him angrily . "Kyle!" Ash warned in his alpha voice . "Sorry alpha " I went with him to the pack house .

End of flashback

I wiped my tears then there was a knock on the door "come in " Ash came and sat beside me . "Are you ok ?" Ash questioned . " I just remembered what happened " I said . " you-" we heard a knock "enter " a guard came in and bowed in greeting "Alpha George of the winter snow pack is on the phone." Ash and I exchanged looks "We're coming." The guard bowed and left.
" What does he want ?" I asked "Well, let's go and see " Ash replied. We headed to the office.

Ash P.O.V

I put alpha George on speaker.
"It's alpha Ash."
"Hello, it's alpha George. Could you do me a favour."
"There are two dangerous girls that ran away from our pack a couple of days ago, they're criminals, they were the reason for the death of some pack members. I will send you their pictures shortly. The blonde girl's name is Annabella and the brunette's name is Ella. If you found them, please contact me as soon as possible."
Kyle and I looked at each other, he mouthed ' tell him' to me and I shook my head 'No.'
"Sure alpha George, I will."
I hung up the phone and headed towards the dungeons, "Where are you going?" Kyle asked. "The dungeons." I replied. "I'll go with you." He said.

I opened the cell's door to find the girls sleeping, I went to Ella's side 'She looks beautiful.' My wolf told me, I stared at her silently 'I can't wait to claim her, her scent is making me go crazy-'
"What's wrong?" Bella said rubbing her eyes. "Your alpha asked us to hand you to him if we found you." Kyle informed her. "What?!" She got up quickly tripping on the blanket. "Ouch!" She said rubbing her bottom.

"Bellaa~ what's this noise?" Ella said yawning. "What? Is there something on my face?" She tilted her head to the side cutely. "They're planning to hand us to alpha George!" Her eyes widened like a scared little puppy and she backed away, her back hitting the wall. 'Look what you did? Our mate is afraid of us!' My wolf growled.
"We still haven't decided on that." I said ignoring my wolf. They looked at each other still apprehensive. "Then what do you want from us?" Bella said sitting on the bed beside Ella.

I grabbed a chair "How many did you kill from your pack?" I asked straightforwardly. "Kill? What did alpha George tell you?" Ella asked looking confused. "He informed me that you killed some of your pack members, that you're dangerous and y-" "That bastard, How could he? I'm gonna kill him! Wasn't blaming us for the incident enough?!" Bella yelled tears escaping from her eyes. "Bella, calm down." Ella rubbed her back comfortingly.
"What incident?" Kyle questioned. Bella glared at him "Behave." He glared back. "Glare all you want, I'm not affected." She bit back.
Kyle stood up anger flashing in his eyes. "You two! That's enough! The earlier we start the sooner we finish." "Hmph." Bella crossed her arms.

"So..the incident?" I gestured with my hand for them to continue. Ella directed her eyes to the ground and started telling us. "It was summer vacation..."

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