Chapter 7

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Ella P.O.V

After the maid escorted me to my room she left and came back with a pajama "Here." she handed me the pj "Thanks." "No problem, miss." she bowed and left and I decided to take a shower 'Omg I feel so dirty. I haven't taken a shower for five days.' I shuddered. I took my shower , dried my hair and wore a pajama. I was bored so I flipped through the channels but there was nothing worth seeing.

Then I laid on my bed trying to sleep, it was 11 pm. I laid there Turing right and left untill it became 1 am 'I think I'm not gonna get any sleep today' I sighed getting up from bed and heading downstairs towards the kitchen . I turned on the lights on and moved quietly to not cause any sound . I was going to make hot chocolate so I was searching the cupboards for the cocoa 'Found it!' I made a small happy dance in my mind then I went to search for a mug, I found it on a higher shelf so I tried to pull it but it fell from my hands crashing on the floor 'So much for being quiet' I sweat dropped and crouched down to clean the mess I made.

"What's happening here?" I looked up to find Ash looking at me with lust in his eyes "I-I'm sorr..."in a second I found him beside me holding my hand "leave It, I will call for a maid to clean it up." he said his hot breath hitting my ear making me shudder. He nuzzled his nose against the crook of my neck and I gasped at the feeling "w-what's wrong with you ? You weren't like this before" I stuttered . "I've been holding myself back till I know the truth about you." he said in a deep husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. "I-I ha-ve t-o to cle-an t-his" I stuttered again 'get a hold of yourself' I chided myself picking up the shreds of glass dumping them in the bin . Then I felt Ash's strong hands on my waist turning me around to face him.

And suddenly the feeling of his soft lips caressing mine was the only thing I could feel. He was so skillful, I moaned and he inserted his tongue and began exploring every part of my cavern. His hands trailed up my thighs and caressed my sides, I moaned again and held him closer to me, getting lost in his touch.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." Ash whispered huskily then kissed me again. "No wai-mmph stop!" I said between kisses. "What is it?" He sighed running a hand through his hair. "I-I can't do this, n-not yet." I stuttered looking the other way. "Sigh, alright let's just go sleep."

We went to my room "Thanks for escorting me to my room." I smiled a little. "What? I wasn't escorting you that's my room." He said. "H-huh? Then we're staying in the same room? But there's only one bed!" I protested. "Yes, mates sleep on the same bed you know." He said heading for the bathroom. 'What the..Oh well, at least I'll be sleeping on a bed' I sighed and got under the blanket, falling asleep.

Ash P.O.V

I got into the cold shower, it was cooling for my hot body. 'Sigh that girl, getting me horny then leaving me just like that.' 'Did you see her in those shorts, so damn sexy.' My wolf growled lustily. 'Shut up.' I groaned and turned the water colder.

When I got out of the shower Ella was sleeping in our bed, I went closer to her and got under the blanket beside her, I brushed away the hair that fell into her eyes then hugged her closer to me. I fell asleep with the smell of strawberries in my nose.

Bella P.O.V

The sun rays hit my eyes making me groan, I felt hands around my waist holding me. I turned around to find Kyle sleeping peacefully, I tried to move his hands but It won't budge then he tighted his grip "You are awake?! " I asked shocked "Yeah." he murmured, his eyes still closed "Can you let me go?" I asked nicely . "No" he said snuggling to me . "Kyle! Let me go!" I growled . "Not until you tell me what was that last night." he said. "Last night? " I asked confused. "You were crying and panting then you woke up screaming 'stop' . 'Omg did he see me in this situation? Ah yeah I remember now '

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