Chapter 6

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Ash P.O.V

"Kyle, call for a pack meeting." I ordered. "Yes alpha." he replied. A few minutes later everyone was present murmuring ,questioning what's the meeting for. "I've gathered you here to announce that I've found my mate and so did beta Kyle." " Congratulations dears." mum said happily. "Congratulations alpha, beta." the other pack members congratulated.

"Thanks, now let me continue." The room went silent. "Our mates are the rogues we arrested five days ago." Murmuring and whispering filled the room. "Ehem" I cleared my throat "Sorry alpha." They apologized and became silent once more. "I decided to free them and make them live with us in the pack house. Any questions?" No one said anything "Dismissed." I ended the meeting and got out of the room, Kyle following me.

"Dear wait!" Mum yelled "Yes?" I stopped "I want to see them." She told me. "You will see them in the next pack meeting after I free them. "Alright." she said leaving.

*In the dungeons*

I headed to their cell and unlocked the door "Come with me." I ordered. "Huh? Are we free to go?" Bella asked hopeful. "Something like that." I said. They followed me "Where are we going?" Ella asked "You will see." I replied heading to my office.

*In the office*

"Have a seat" I said "I brought you here to tell you that from now on both of you are going to live with us in our pack house a-" I was cut off by Ella "What?! Why?! H-" I cut her off "Could you listen till the end?!" I asked irritated then added "And do not interrupt me again." I warned. She nodded and sat silently waiting for me to continue."As I was saying, you are going to live here with us as our mates." I quieted for a minute to see their reaction, Ella's eyes widened and looked at Bella who looked just as shocked.

I called for two maids "Yes alpha?" they greeted bowing. "Escort our mates to their rooms and from this day you are their personal maids " I ordered."Sure alpha." they bowed, took our mates with them and closed the door. "Why did you announce at the pack meeting that she is my mate? I told you I'll reject her!" Kyle questioned angry. "Kyle you need her, no one can live without his mate y-" Kyle cut me off "My mate is dead." he exclaimed ."You have to let go of jasmine, she wanted you to be happy. Don't you remember? she told you to be happy and to let go, she said that you will find happiness soon. I'm talking to you as your big brother not your alpha, you say you don't need her but your wolf knows better. I'm sure she will make you happy " I said. "I'm going to my room." Kyle said heading out of the office. "So stubborn." I sighed.

Bella P.O.V

The maid escorted me to my room "Wow" I gasped "Do you need anything else, miss Bella?" The maid questioned. "No, thanks. And please call me Bella ." I said "B-but .. its inappropriate!" she stuttered. "No its ok, just Bella is fine." "Ok, Bella." she smiled "What's your name? " I asked. "Cathy." "Alright Cathy, I will go take a shower you can go." I said heading to the bathroom "This bathroom is larger than my bedroom!" I exclaimed . I got in shower and let the hot water hit my body, making me relax "Sigh."

*10 Minutes later *

I wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel and started to dry my hair when "Ehem." I gasped and turned around Kyle was facing me looking at me up and down "A-ahh . What are you doing here?!Get out of my room!" I yelled at him. " This is my room too." he said "What?!" I gasped "Well, you are my mate so we share the same bedroom." he answered calmly coming towards me. He took a lock of my hair in his hand and smelled it "You smell like Ja- me" he said looking at my eyes, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Yeah I u-"he cut me off by pressing his lips against mine roughly, full of passion and lust. I was shocked for a second, then tried to pull away , but he grabbed my hands and took them In his big ones "Don't try to get away, you're mine so stop resisting." He growled in a deep husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. He slowly pushed me right on the floor, crawling on top of me. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I refused so he squeezed my butt and I gasped. He took the chance and started exploring my mouth. My mind went blank and I couldn't resist him anymore, suddenly he pulled away and locked eyes with me. His eyes looked hazy and then the look of desire and lust faded. He got up and went out of the room. 'What's wrong with him? We-" I felt something being thrown at me "Here, go change into those" he said getting in bed. I looked at him confused by his actions "Go now or you'll catch a cold." he said. I nodded and headed to the bathroom.

Kyle P.O.V

'I was laying on my bed thinking about what happened. My wolf has gone crazy when he saw our mat- what? I mean Bella in that short fluffy white towel. I don't know why I neared her, I took a lock of her shiny blond her in my hand smelling it. It reminded me of jasmine when she used my shampoo saying that she likes to smell like me. I felt a pang of sadness but when I looked at Bella I don't know what came over me and I kissed her. She-' "Ahhh!" I heard Bella yell so I went to check up on her. I knocked on the bathroom door "Bella, are you ok?" I asked. " Ah.. yeah." she replied. After a few minutes she came out of the bathroom.

'Our mate looks sexy' my wolf said in a voice filled with lust' 'What you did back then is enough.' I told him ' I didn't do anything' he replied 'Didn't you make me kiss her?' 'Hahaha!' 'What's so funny?!' I asked irritated ' 'You kissed her on your own free will, I didn't do anything.' he replied 'You l-'. "Hey are you there?" Bella poked my forehead. I grabbed her hand and felt an electric spark pass through my body, I think she felt it too because she quickly pulled her hand out of my grasp. "Don't do it again." I told her "Ok....night."she climbed in the bed laying on the far end of the bed. 'Why didn't I feel that spark when I grabbed her hands when I was kissing her?' 'I think lust blinded you.' my wolf laughed 'Who asked for your opinion?! I'm gonna sleep.'

Bella P.O.V

When I went to the bathroom to change I felt hot so I washed my face a few times to cool down.' Why did he kiss me then suddenly pull away? Did I do something wrong? And what's with the sadness that was in his eyes before kissing me? Or was I just imagining it?' "Ahhh!" I yelled frustrated. *knock* " Bella, are you ok?" 'Omg I'm so dumb' "Ah ..yeah" . After a few minutes I got out , Kyle stared at me and I felt uncomfortable under his stare . Then he looked as if he was deep in thought or something. I cleared my throat to get his attention but he didn't move a muscle. So I poked his forehead "Hey are you there?" He snaped out of it grabbing my hand sending a spark through my body , I pulled my hand instantly ." Don't do it again." he said sternly ."Ok... night" I climbed in bed laying on the far end of it . My head hit the comfy pillow and I fell asleep.

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