The Player ... 1

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They painted me out to be the bad guy, I already knew who it was to who said I was a player that I am with every guy in this school. It was Ciara the same girl who couldn't stand me since the day her dad and my mom got together and introduced us to each other. They are married and now she tries to make my life a living nightmare with many failed attempts.

Anyways now that you know a little bit about my back story here hey I am Beyoncé I am 16 years old. I am a junior in Houston high technically I am one year ahead but not like it's a big deal, just kidding I will be out a year earlier. I have two sisters one is my step sister Ciara she's evil but then there is my younger sister Solange and she is the sweetest thing ever.

You already heard how I am a "hoe" now you should know I have a bunch of guy friends who are funny and loyal these girls at my school suck at loyalty. I had some friends that were girls before that rumor now I don't not even the freshmen risk it and there are guys who avoid me too. It is really dumb but it makes it easier when I do not feeling like talking to anyone take that Ciara.

She is just mad for who know what and why I ain't never dome anything to her. She moved to my place and we were supposed fo share rooms but after 1 horrible week of sharing that room I gave out. My mom gave me the seperate room and put Solo with luckily they got along.

Although my dad is no longer with my mom I still talk to him and hang out with him. He obviously gives my mom child support which I get half of so I have fun. At first I hated him at first but I came to my senses I realized he was still my father even if he has a girlfriend. I can't be too mad because my mom moved on and got married.

"BEYONCÉ", my mom yelled.

"I am awakeee", I said sitting up on my bed.

"Ok well get up and get ready you know I am up isnt enough", she said walking into my room.

"Look I am getting out of bed heading to the shower", I said getting up.

"Good now don't take forever because I will make you walk to school" she said and I nodded.

I grabbed a towel and my phone and headed to my bathroom, I can't shower without music and this the part where I put my music on. Today song is a relatable one to me it's Chun Li by Nicki Minaj, fun fact we are actually friends in real life. She acts a lot like I do we can both be wild and loud then very shy appearing it is hilarious my mom always brings it up when we are together.

Once I was done showering I put lotion on and got dressed for school, I unlocked my bedroom door and there was Solange waiting for me.

"Bey Bey can you fix this mess Ciara doesn't know how to do her hair not even if her life depended on it", she said walking I laughed.

"Of course cause you I would hate for you not to slay", I said and she sat on my chairs vanity. I grabbed my hair products and began brushing her hair then I styled it into space buns.

"Beyoncé, Ciara, Solange you girls come and get breakfast", my mom yelled.

I let my hair down and brushed it out quickly before going down to the kitchen. I got some food and then I raided the kitchen for school snacks. My mom grabbed the keys to the car and I ran to the car to get front seat before anyone else. Ciara charged behind me but I ran faster than her I won her with no sweat.

"Seriously you can't let me sit there you always sit in front", she said and I laughed.

"No you sit up here you get the aux cord and we know your music sucks, I am the oldest so I automatically get the front seat, and I am faster than you learn how to run but you know next time I will left Solange go frontseat", I said getting in the car.

"Yay I want to go front seat", Solange said and I laughed.

"Beyoncé quit messing with Ciara", my mom said.

"Okay but you know this is my seat I ain't giving up my comfortable thrown", I said.

"Yes but if you keep dissing her you will be dethroned", she said.

"I won't cause everyone knows I love my sweet seat" I said getting the aux cord and putting God's Plan by Drake.

Solange was always dropped of first because her school is closer to home then it was Ciara and I. When we got off I walked into school like a total boss while people just watched me. I was always extra at this moment because I knew nobody liked me except for my friends who well just tolerated me. I saw Kanye, Drake, and Justin, I headed there way happily and they laughed at me.

"Someone's glad to see their boyfriends", Kanye said and I laughed.

"Haa yess the weekend was so boring I was with my family and Ciara kept tryna throw her weak shade I almost beat her up", I said.

"Better watch out you know momma Knowles will teach you a lesson too", Justin said.

"Yeah we but I don't mind because Ciara gets a lesson too and one from her dad too", I said. 

"You are evil Beyoncé", Drake said.

"I don't try it just happens naturally", I said.

"So my girlfriend and some of my friends are moving here from New York", Kanye said and we all looked at him.

"Whatttt you are seriousss?", I said.

"Yes I told you a while back and my friend Shawn is moving to", he said.

"Told you he wasn't lying", Drake said.

"Yeah yeah", I said and the bell rang.

"See y'all at lunch", Justin said and we headed to class.

You know class is class I am pretty smart so I answer plenty of the teachers questions with no sweat. Obviously everyone still ignores me in class I don't know what's wrong with these people but I can't change them. 

The day passed and school was over which means it's time get home and go back to sleep. I ran to the car still beating Ciara, she could win here but she gotta with Hoeyoncé lie. I put in my phone to the aux cord and I played Chun Li out loud and began singing while Ciara sighed.

"Seriously can't you stop", she said as my mom drove away.

"No I can't you embarrassed suck it up maybe take the bus", I said going back to the song.
"Oh I get it They paintin' me out to be the bad guy
Well it's the last time you're gonna see a bad guy do the rap game like me"

Our house wasn't far from school so we got home like in 5 minutes and I headed to my room as fast as possible. I removed my shoes and clothes and hit my bed before knocking out quickly. 

Beyoncé don't got it all too easily wonder how it gets later in life.

What will Beyoncé think of Kanye's friend and girlfriend?

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