in the begining

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A/N okay guys, this is my very first fanfic ever so like, no judgements, I know it's gonna be bad but I need you to tell me what I can do better as the story progresses. Okay? Thanks!

Castiel wakes up to his alarm screaming at him and his brother banging on the door "Cassie c'mon! We don't want to be late again!" Gabriel, his brother, yells through the door. There's a few more seconds of banging on the door and him still laying in bed before Gabriel burst through the door and promptly falls on top of him.
Cas groans in pain, his bruises from the night before aching and throbbing as Gabe puts pressure on them "Get the fuck off me you ass" He pushes Gabriel off and onto the floor before carefully sitting up. His everything hurts as he stands and stretches, kicking Gabriel's side as he steps over him "I'll be down in a minute" he mutters.

Gabriel rolls and stand up "'kay" he says before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
Gabriel is two years older then Castiel and technically should have already graduated but he got held back because he decided he wanted to go on a road trip instead of senior year. Their father forced him to continue school and graduate so he could become a doctor or lawyer or something special. As for cas, the only reason his father would care if he pulled something like that was because it would damage their family name. He never really cared about Castiel because, according to him, Castiel is the reason his mother is in the hospital with lukemia. When cas was born, a lot of things went wrong, there was a lot of blood and apparently some diseases got into her blood which could have been a reason she developed cancer when cas was ten. So, his father didn't give a rats ass weather he lived or died.

Cas got dressed in his usual faded jeans, t-shirt with black hoodie over it. Even though it was like, a billion degrees outside. He slipped on some converse and grabbed his bag before heading downstairs, not bothering with his hair cause it would be pointless. He skipped breakfast like he usually did and followed Gabriel to the car.

The drive was relatively quiet except for Gabriel trying to start coversations and cas not responding, like usual. And as soon as they pulled up at the school cas was out of the car and making his way up to the building, his hood pulled over his head and hands stuffed in his pocket.
Gabriel sighed and watched his brother go, worry clear on his face. He turned the car off and got out, following cas inside.

First period was spent with cas sitting near the back, his head down as he worked in his sketchbook. He never participated and only listened enough so he would be able to pass the class. He wasn't trying to stand out and be top student. He wanted to not be noticed. He wanted to not even be there at all. But he had to be, he didn't have a choice in what he did with his life anymore. He hasn't had a choice ever since he was ten.

Third period is where things go weird for him. He was sitting, drawing in his sketchbook like he did everyday, when someone took the empty seat next to him and actually tried to talk to him.
The guy leaned over a little, getting to close for comfort, and said "Hey, I'm Dean" his voice sounded way too cocky and confident for his own good.
Cas ignored him and continued to draw until the guy, Dean, commented on his drawing. He stiffened and close his sketchbook. He didn't like people looking at his work, or looking at him, or talking to him. He didn't like the cockiness in this guy's voice or the obvious confidence he had or the way his eyes were bright and had life in them. A life that cas could only wish he still had shining in his eyes..
Cas turned away from dean and looked down at his closed sketchbook. Hoping class would end soon..

A/N okay, first chapter done. Sorry it's kinda short but I just wanted to get it out there and get this started. Deans story will be in the next chapter and then we can get this moving!

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