A little deeper.

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Cas walked home, hands shoved in his pockets and head down.
Before he knew it he was walking up the steps leasing to the front door of his house.
Cas quietly opened the door, scanning the front room to make sure it was safe. Once he was sure he made his way up to his room, grabbing his blade, a pen and a piece of paper before downing a hand full of pills and heading to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him.

Cas sat down, his back against the bathtub. He pulled his hoodie off, tossing it aside, before unwrapping his arms and throwing the bandages away.
He grabbed the pen and wrote a quick note, explaining his reasons and apologizing- not that anyone would care.

Cas picked up the blade, studying it for a few seconds before pressing it vertically against his wrist. He pushed down and dragged it down to his arm to his elbow. He watched blood spill from the cut before switching and doing the same to his other arm.
He felt lighter. His mind going fuzzy as blood dripped onto the floor and pooled around him. A small smile tugged at his lips before he finally blacked out. The last thing he heard was footsteps running up the stairs and someone calling his name.

Dean watched as cas ran home, a frown pulling at his lips.
He walked back inside and sat on his bed, thinking about how cas had been acting. He looked lost in his head, kinda like he was listening to something.. why though?
Dean sighed and laid back "what's your deal cas?" He muttered to himself.
Suddenly, it hit him.
The cuts, the panick attack, the dull look in his eye, the way he thought of himself..

Dean bolted upright and put his shoes on before racing down to the car. He go in, backing out before speeding down the road towards the Novaks house.

Once there, Dean banged on the front door until someone answered. He pushed past the short guy at the door, racing up the stairs, ignoring the guy yelling at him for barging in.

Dean called cas' name repeatedly until he reached the bathroom door, pushing it open.

"Oh my God.." Dean breathed.

Cas was slumped against the bathtub, blood pooled around him and a faint smile on his lips. It was overall disturbing.

Dean looked over his shoulder at the short dude "call 911" he said quickly before searching the bathroom for something to wrap cas' wrists with. He grabbed a roll of bandages that were under the sink and tightly wrapped cas' wrists before applying pressure. He looked over at the sort guy, who he assumed was cas' brother, listening to him talk on the phone as he slipped the note that was on the counter into his pocket.

Gabriel was allowed to ride in the ambulance with his brother but Dean had to follow behind in his car.

They were currently waiting in the lobby of the hospital while they stitched up his wounds and made sure he was fine, appearently he had also taken quite a few pills so they had to get those out of his system as well.

A nurse soon approached them and smiled sweetly "you two are here for Castiel Novak correct?" When they nodded she continued "he should be fine. We won't be sure until he wakes up which should be pretty soon. You can go see him if you want, he's in room 221"

Gabriel was up and making his way down the hall before the nurse even finished talking, with Dean following close behind.

Castiel was almost as white as the sheets he was laying on with tubes going in his arms and one going down his throat.

Gabe slumped in the chair next to the bed while Dean just stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed, watching the heart monitor beep steadily.

It was almost two hours until cas stirred and slowly blinked his eyes open.

Cas looked around with tired eyes and as soon as he realized where he was he broke down sobbing.

i'll be your wings (Destiel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now