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A/N okay, so I'm trying to put up a chapter a day at least. I'll probably write another one if I get bored so I dunno. I'll do at least one chapter a day. So yeah.

School came way to fast for Castiels liking and he was a mess. He had made the decision that he was gonna ask Dean all the questions he had in mind, even though he didn't want to.

He was quickly regretting his decision because before he new it, it was third period and Dean was sitting beside him. Again. He also looked like he had questions and that made Cas even more anxious.

They still had an hour left in class to do their work and cas finished pretty quick. Problem was, so did Dean. They both sat there quietly, glancing at each other every now and then, both obviously anxious.

After what felt like forever but was actually only ten minutes they both started talking at the same time.

"I need to ask you something"
"I have questions"

They both stopped and looked away, their cheeks slightly pink.

"Y-you go first..." Cas muttered

Dean nodded and looked back over at Cas, once again putting on a cocky smile but he had concern in his eyes just like the day before.

"If you don't mind me asking, what had you so freaked out yesterday?"

Cas stiffened and looked down at his hands. Crap. He was worried Dean would ask about that.

"It- uh.. it was nothing. We just had family coming over." He lied quickly, which Dean obviously didn't believe.

"Uh huh.. okay." Dean nodded "anyway, you said you had questions?"

Cas closed his eyes and sighed, preparing himself for all the questions he had to ask.

"...why.. why do you talk me? I mean, if you hadn't noticed, nobody talks to me. So why do you?" Cas asked, his shaky voice barely above a whisper.

Dean was a little taken aback by the question "well, that's kinda why I started talking to you. I noticed that no one really pays you any attention and figured you might want someone to talk to. Also, I wanted to get to know you." He answered easily, giving a toothy grin.

Cas glanced up at Dean then immediately looked back down. "again, why? Why do you care so much? Why do you want to get to know me? I'm nothing special." He asked, growing a bit more confident with each question.

Dean frowned "what do you mean you're nothing special?"

"I mean, I don't do anything worth getting attention. And obviously people would talk to me if I was special but they don't so I'm not" Cas huffed

Dean was quiet for a couple minutes and Cas thought he wasn't going to answer any of his other questions.

"I think you're special.."



Better yet. Why? Why in the world would dean think I was special?

Cas turned to look at dean, all these questions showing on his face.

"Because you just are. Everyone is." Dean knew that sounded cheesy but he didn't care. This boy didn't think he was special and Dean wanted to prove that he was.

"How am I special?" Cas asked, his voice so quiet Dean wouldn't have caught it if he wasn't sitting right next to him.

"Um. Have you seen your drawings? They're amazing. That alone makes you special and I'm sure if I got to know you I could find out more ways that you're special." Dean said quickly

Cas blushed and looked away again "you won't like me once you get to know me." He muttered.

Dean frowned "don't you think that's for me to decide? What if do end up liking you, you seem like a interesting guy. Just let me get to know you? Please?" He asked, giving his best puppy dog look. It was nothing compared to Sammy's though.

Cas chewed his lip nervously and nodded a little, knowing he would regret it later but he couldn't bring himself to care anymore.

Dean smiled brightly "can we hang out after school today?" He asked, eager to get to know the kid.

Cas immediately shook his head "not today. My uh, family is still visiting and I have to be there." He said quickly "but, maybe tomorrow?" He asked shyly glancing up at Dean.

Dean nodded, still not believing that Cas had family visiting but he wasn't about to argue. "Tomorrow sounds good" he smiled and wrote his number down on a piece of paper, handing it to Cas just as the bell rang.

Cas took the paper with a small smile and started to put his stuff away. When he turned to say goodbye to Dean he was already gone.
Yee another chapter done! Hope you're enjoying the story!

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