New look

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I have the prologue of The Look Of You up. Go check it out it's great.

Cas walked up to the school early the next morning because his brother had to talk to a teacher about a project or something.
He was minding his own business, sitting in the library reading, when Dean took a seat next to him and two other people sat across from him.

"Uh.. Dean?" Cas asked, looking over at the older boy with his head tilted.

Dean grinned "Cas, this is Jo and Benny. Guys, this is Cas" he said, gesturing to each of them in turn.

Jo smiled sweetly and waved, her blund hair up in a ponytail. "Hello Cas"

Benny just grunted and nodded his head a little.

Cas stared at them for a second before looking at Dean "I.. I don't understand" he breathed, looking back at Jo and Benny, who were now watching him, looking mildly confused.

"You don't understand?" Dean asked "what don't you understand?"

Cas looked back up at Dean, pulling his sleeves to cover his hands.

Dean glanced down at his sleeves then back up at Cas "Cas, they're my friends, nothings gonna happen." He assured "everything's fine."

Cas nodded a little and looked down at his seeve covered hands, sinking back against the chair. He didn't like people. Dean knew that. Why would Dean bring his friends over if he knew cas wasnt comfortable talking with people.

Dean frowned and watched Cas for a second before looking over at his friends "could you give us a second?" He asked quietly.

Jo nodded "yeah, 'course." She smiled before pulling Benny to go sit somewhere else.

Dean turned to Cas "you okay?" He asked gently.

Cas shook his head "I don't like people." He muttered.

Dean sighed "cas, I know it makes you uncomfortable but they're good people. You can trust them. I want to help you get out there and talk to more people that way you're more comfortable here."

Cas nodded a little "I'll try.."

Dean grinned "great. If you feel to uncomfortable just tell me okay?"

Cas nodded and Dean called his friends back over, they sat back in their seat and Jo gave a bright smile. "Hello again."

Cas glanced up at her and gave a small wave "..hello"

"You're in my English class right?" Jo asked

Cas nodded and looked up at her.

"What are you doing for your essay? I thought about doing it on world hunger but that's a little clichè you know?" Jo said, resting arm on the arm of her chair and putting her chin in her hand

Cas bit his lip, he actually had to talk to her. "..I'm doing it on the power of art and how it's under appreciated.." he said quietly, barely above a whisper.

Jo grinned "that's an awesome idea. And totally true. People don't realize how much work is put into writing or drawing or whatever. They just read it or look at it once and then they're done. It's very under appreciated."

Cas nodded "they don't understand that it takes hours to come up with something you want to draw or write and then possibly hours to actually do it. It takes them seconds to look at it or they just read it and not really appreciate it and then they move on without a second look. Most of the time they don't even look at the name of who created it."

Dean looked at cas in shock. He hadn't heard cas say that much except when he explained his life story. The rest of the time it was short sentences and quick words.

Jo nodded "it pisses me off that they just blow it off when you put all that work into it and they don't ever care."

"They don't realize how much it impacts their life.  If art like that didn't exist then there wouldn't be anymore books or cartoons, anime, comics, manga, none of it would be here." Cas said, folding his arms

The rest of the time before the bell rang was filled with cas and Jo talking about ideas for the essay and art while Benny and Dean listened, making their own comments every now and then.

Maybe Cas could learn to be more comfortable around these people.


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