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Sorry for not updating yesterday I was busy. I think I'ma take back the promise of updating everyday cause it was easy at first but I dunno if I can keep it up.

"You promise you won't tell anyone?"

Dean nodded "promise. I won't tell anyone unless it benefits you."

Cas sighed and looked at his hands. Was he really gonna do this? Tell some guy he barely knows about his home life?

Yes he was.

He took a deep breath and started talking before he could stop himself.

"...when I was born uh.. something went wrong and some chemicals or whatever got into my mom's blood system.. they think that's the reason she's got lukemia now but I dunno... My dad blames me for his wife being in the hospital and well.. so do I" cas cleared his throat and blinked back tears "I don't even know why he's so upset about it. It's not like he cared enough to notice the symptoms..

Now it's just me and my older brother. Everyone else left when dad started drinking.. he got violent and started hitting us.. well.. hitting me.. and you know.. I deserve it.. if I wasn't born then my mom wouldn't be sick and everyone would have a much better life without me here.  My dad couldn't care less about me. He cares about the rest of my family enough so.. I don't really know why he hasn't just killed me or kicked me out or something.." cas shrugged, tugging at his sleeves so they covered his hands.
"I ruin everything Dean. You shouldn't want to be around me.. I'll end up hurting you like I have everyone else.. and I don't want to do that to you.." he muttered, wiping tears from his eyes. Mentally kicking himself for crying, he shouldn't be crying over this. He deserved this. He wasn't allowed to be upset about it.

Dean was staring at him, his eyes wide as he ran over in his head what cas had told him.

" that where the bruises came from? Your father beating you?" Dean asked quietly.

Cas nodded "that also why I had to leave the park so suddenly yesterday.. he doesn't like me staying out late.."

"Oh my God cas.." Dean breathed "why haven't you called the cops?"

Cas shook his head "I can't.. I've already ruined my father's life enough... I deserve what he has to give me and I shouldn't distroy his life further for giving me what I deserve.."

"But you don't deserve it! No one deserves that! It's not like you asked to be born! That was their choice to have you and they should've known the risks. Your father has no right to treat you that way!" Dean cried, turing to face cas, who was still staring at his sleeve covered hands.

Cas shook his head "..I should've known you wouldn't understand.. I shouldn't have told you.." he said, starting to get up "I'm sorry for bothering you. I should go." He said, quickly standing and running down the stairs. He heard Dean call his name but didnt stop as he made his way out the door and to his brother's car.

Until next time. Goodbye beautifuls

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