the help i need.

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" want to help me..?" Cas asked quietly, looking up at Dean "why?"

Dean frowned "because you need help and I care enough to help you"

He cares? About me..?

Cas chewed his lip, Thinking quietly for a moment.

"How would you help me?"

"I could call the cop-" "no! I refuse to ruin my fathers life more than I already have" cas snapped "no police."

Dean sighed "fine. Can I at least tell my uncle Bobby?"

"Why would you tell your uncle?" Cas asked, looking over at Dean.

"Because I need his advise." Dean replied simply.

" long as he doesn't call the cops.." cas sighed and looked up at the darkening sky.

"How 'bout you just come stay at my place?" Dean asked

Cas just shook his head.

Dean sighed and slouched in his seat "There's really not much else I can do for you.."

Cas knew he was gonna feel stupid for asking this but..

"Could you just.. be there for me? Try and make me feel better after his beatings and stuff..?" He asked softly, blushing lightly

Dean looked over at him, looking totally shocked "y-yeah, totally. I can do that." He said quickly, not at all expecting cas to ask that. After all, he was just ignoring dean earlier today cause he didn't like talking or being around him.

"..I know I acted like a jerk earlier but.. I dunno.. I was scared." He admitted "you were different and I didn't know what to do when you started talking to me so I snapped at you and avoided you but.. you kept trying and.. I feel different around you and it scares the shit out of me.. I'm sorry for being an ass.." cas muttered, Dean having to strain to hear what he was saying.

"Oh. It's totally fine. I understand it must be weird for you to actually have someone talking to you. You had every right to be an ass. I was kinda forcing myself on you and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Dean said, giving a toothy grin.

Cas glanced up at dean and blushed a little, looking down at his hands
"Everything makes me uncomfortable so you have nothing to apologize for. You were just trying to get to know me"

"You wanna hang out again tomorrow? We could go to my place after school." Dean suggested.

Cas nodded "that sounds like a plan. I'll just have to tell my brother. Speaking of which.. I should probably head home.."

Dean frowned and looked away, nodding "yeah okay.. be safe" he said "I'll see you tomorrow" he gave a cocky grin before walking off toward his car.

Cas sighed and walked home.

There we go.

Btw I'm starting a new story soon called The look Of You. It's destiel
Blind!Cas and tattoo artist!Dean.
I'll tell you guys when I get the first chapter up.

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