Recovery pt. 2

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Sorry for not updating recently, school has been killer. It started a couple weeks ago and I already have two projects I gotta do.


Im woken up by a loud banging followed by a crash downstairs. I sit up, slowly untangling myself from Dean and standing up. I very quietly make my way out of the room, grabbing the baseball bat Dean keeps in his room on the way out, and peek downstairs. I didn't see anything so I tip toe downstairs, being sure not to make a sound. I jump as I hear another loud crash from the kitchen and raise the bat higher, ready to strike. I peek into the kitchen and freeze, how the hell did he get here? I saw him get pulled away and shoved into a cop car.

How the hell did my father get here?

I try not to make a sound but the floor boards creek beneath my feet. I see him freeze, his shoulder tensing before he turned around. The grin that appears on his face sends shivers down my spine and makes fear bloom in my chest.

Something hard hits me in the head and my vision blurs, the pain making me cry harder before I finally, finally, let myself go to the darkness.

I held the bat tightly in my shaking hands and took a small step back, ready to swing if he came at me. He didn't though, he just kept grinning as he took a single step forward. I could see his hand was hidden behind his back so I know he was hiding something. My anxiety spiked, my breath speeding up as i continued to slowly walked backwards.

"My, my, haven't you gotten brave.. you think you could actually use that on me?" My father asked, voice dangerously low.

"W-what are you doing here? How did you get in?" I mentally kicked myself for stuttering and stumbling over my words.

"Oh that was easy. You know? I originally just came here to steal a few things, get some money, but.. now that you've made an appearance I'm having second thoughts.."

I shake my head quickly and whimper as he starts walking towards me, his steps large and quick. I stumbled backwards and trip over Sam's shoes that were lying on the floor, landing on my ass on the hard wood floors. The bat falls from my hand and rolls away just barely out of my reach as I catch myself. Quickly looking up at him, I feel myself starting to panic, my heart rate picking up and my breathing getting more shallow and quick by the second. He notices and me panicking just seems to make him happier, his grin stretching almost unnaturally across his face and his eyes alight with some twisted Joy from seeing me suffer.

My father moves so he's looming over me and I watch as he slowly pulls his hand from behind his back, revealing a large kitchen knife he must have grabbed when I found him. He crouches down so he somewhat even with me and holds the point of the knife against my throat "you're going to do exactly as I say" he growled, eyes narrowed.

I nod quickly and feel the knife move against my throat as I move my head. I watch as he nods his head slightly before he roughly pulls me to my feet. "Stand up"

Rough ropes burn my skin, I open my eyes but it's pitch black so I assume there's a blindfold over my eyes.

He grabs the front of my shirt and drags my to the living room, shoving me to sit on the couch in front of him as he pulls a piece of fabric from his pocket. He smirks and leans forward, tying the fabric around my head and opening my mouth so it would gag me. "Hold still" he snapped, I hadn't even realized I was moving but I was. I was bouncing my leg and fidgeting  with my sleeves. I stopped immediately after I realized what I was doing.

He nods and pulls out another piece of fabric and roughly grabs my hands after putting the knife down. He tightly ties my wrists together and pulls me to stand once again before grabbing the knife and pulling me by my bound hands towards the door. Realization and panic finally start to seep in and I struggle against his grip, screaming against my gag as tears fill my eyes. He's taking me away. He taking me away from Dean, and Sam, and all of them. I hear a thud from upstairs and hope fills my chest, he hears it too though and quickly throws me over his shoulder and carries me, screaming and crying, out to his car.

Pain flairs in my chest and I cry out against the rope in my mouth, feeling blood seep from the fresh wound and soak through my ruined shirt.

Just before I'm thrown into the back seat I seen Dean. He whips his head around before his eyes lock with mine and the the car door slams shut, I watch him through tinted windows as he starts running. He's trying to get me. Trying to save me. But he isn't fast enough. He doesn't get here in time and my father speeds away..

Alright. I'm back for the moment. This story only has like, 3-4 more chapters and then the epilogue. And then it'll be finished and I can move on.

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